All for nash

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Vine? Let's say it's my life. Nash Grier who's a viner, totally hot but it'll never happen, my penny bored, that's like my blood and my clothes rips and beanies, they go in the same catogory, I never was the girly girl, or the prettiest one on earth, I'm just an average girl who babysits kids.

"Dani can you believe summer is here already" Blake says as he grabs my hand and and drags me to the bike rack.

"I guess" I say pulling out my phone from my back pocket.

He stops in his tracks.

"Dani I get that you arnt happy you don't get to go anywhere but... You have me and the boys." he says with a grin.

I smile too. I guess it's contagious. I put my hand on top of his head where his soft dark brown hair that looks black in the dark lay. he swung his bangs out of the way. Letting his dark blue eyes catch the light. he was attractive but not my kind of attractive. he's like a brother to me.

"You really need a hair cut that bowl hair cut ain't cute." I say pulling my hand away and grabbing my penny bored off the rack.

"Your the one to talk, girls dig this shit." he says roughing up his hair.

"Says the one who has yet to have one girlfriend" I chuckle.

"Hey at lea-"

"Sup butt bums! I see were back in the daily argument are we?" Scott cuts into the pointless fight.

"Whatever" I mumble as I stand on my bored scrolling vine on my phone.

"Let's go to Danis house!" Scott and Blake both say to each other.

I shrug and we zoom down the roads of LA on our penny boards to my house.

We slow down once we get to my driveway and go into the open front garage and drop our stuff.

"Whew I feel summer rising as we speak!" Blake says opening the door into the house Scott and I following behind.

"Whatever you say O' wise one" I say.

Sending Scott into a full lol.

Blake gives me the finger as he slides onto the kitchen counter.

Scott swings open the fridge and tosses me a coke and Blake a fanta and he gets Root beer.

Scott's the smart kinda guy with piercing hazel eyes and tan skin. he has Carmel brown hair and black roots. he had Justin Bieber's NEW hair style. not the crappy bowl haircut.

I sip on my coke and open vine on my phone and go straight to Nash Grier account. Rumors are going around that he's moving down here but I highly doubt it, out of all places he picks LA why not New York. it's just not possible. he's to cool.

"So dani, we should go into town. we need to go find Ryan he shoulda met us after school." Scott says as he falls onto the couch.

"Never say that dreadful 'S' word again" Blake says in a shaky stern voice.

I punch Blake in his 'spot'

"WHAT THE FUCK!" he shouts clutching it.

"Oh I'm sorry I was just checking to see if you still had balls between your legs!" I shout.

Scott laughing hard.

"The word school or school in general is offensive to summer." Blake shrugs.

"Okayyy" I say holding the 'y'.

"Alright" Scott says tossing his empty can into the trash. "leggo" he jumps up and runs out the door.

Me and Blake following behind.

As we make our way down the slightly crowded street, we all agree to stop at a small bakery. once were inside I tell Blake and Scott that I'm going to go find Ryan.

I make my way out and go farther down the street passing shops and entertainment. A sun beam catches my eyes and I had a few seconds of blindness as it fades I crash into a figure falling down.

"Ouch!" I say getting up

"Sorry! didn't see you there. in a hurry?" the guy asks he had a country accent not to strong but noticeable.

"Is it really any of you busine- OMIGOD" I look up to catch a familiar yet unique big pair of blueish hazel grey eyes. it was....him.... Nash Grier.

"Sorry I don't know my way around here" he says squinting.

"Um yeah me I mean I do but I...i should go." I stutter. I was lost for words.

"Cool I'll see you around then?" he says tilting his head to see my face from the sun. my boring green eyes locked to his squinting ones. I brush my brown hair out of my face.

"Yeah of course" I nod.

He smiles, god that smile.

"Okay" he turns around to leave but turns back around. "Your name?" he asks with a smirk.

I open my mouth to say my name but the words were pulled right of my mouth.

"DANI!" Ryan approaches me and stands next to me.

"Okay then dani" Nash says "see ya" he does a slight wave of his hand and walks away. he looks so good in that white shirt with his black skinny jeans on. and I've never seen a boy who looked so good in red vans.

"Was that..." Ryan says.

"Yes..." I say

We stand there in silence.

Maybe it wasn't so bad to stay home for the summer.


I hope you guys. Liked my first chapter! ugh Nash is such a hottie! and coolest part that inspired this book is that Nash Grier lives six houses down from me and I've only said hi to him once! ahhhhh!

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