My big brother

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Me and Ryan found Scott and Blake sipping on smoothies.

"Sup guys guess who we met." Ryan says as we approach them and sit at two empty seats at the table they are at.

"His eyes are real." is all I mumbled.

""Of course they were" Blake said with a chuckle.

"Well I mean, they were so pretty on vine I didn't expect them to be real but, they are" I say going into a trance.

"Your high" Scott says sipping on his smoothie making that annoying slurpy noise.

"Shut up scott!" i shout. they all laugh.

My phone rings.

I look at the collar ID shit, guys a moment please.

They look at each other then Ryan looks at me and nods I give a slight smile.

and get up and walk away away from their hearing.

"H-hey mom."

"Daniella, are you with those troublesome boys." she shouts.

"They are my friends!" I shout back

"God Daniella when are you going to find a life and a proper set of freinds. where are you" she demands.

I don't argue as my eyes water.

"I'm on main str-"

"I sent a car on it's way there be ready go to town square." and with that she hangs up. I stuff my phone into my pocket right when the boys walk up. they all can tell I was going to cry. Scott hugs me and kisses my forehead the boys join in.

Scott was the closest to me he was my best friend since first grade.

"We are here for you" Blake whispers. I pull away.

"Guys my mom wants me to go to town square" I mumble.

"I'll keep your penny bored she broke it last time she saw you with it." Scott says picking it up.

"Want us to come?" Blake says. "I don't want her to hurt you ag-"

Scott puts a hand on his shoulder and he stops.

"I love you guys. but no. See ya"

The boys nod then walk away. Scott cones up to me.

"Call me later." Scott whispers then hugs me again. I hear faint sniffles from him. "Scott I promise I won't let her hurt me." I squeeze him tight. he sights then pulls away.

"Love you dani" he says

"You to scott." I smile "bye" I turn around. and walk off.

Town square was farther up.

Once i get there I wait about ten minutes until a big black van parks in front of me. I hop in. My mom in the back seat next to me. the car starts to roll away.

"Did anyone notice you?" she snaps.

"No" I mumble.

"Good. Justin doesn't need anymore pressure". She says looking out the window.

"If people know he has a sister, especially an ugly one. the press will expect you to have talent." she snaps

"But I do!" I yell.

"Did I say you do?" She yells



"But!" I start

"DONT TALK BACK!" she reaches over and slaps me.

i put my hand to my face.

She huffs and raises an eyebrow then cackles "you worthless little shit. I should be a shame you were born from me, so ugly, so weak" she then calls a manager and talks on her phone.

I turn to the window and sob to myself. my phone vibrates.


Are you okay.




She hit you again I know it that's it! I'm calling Justin he has to come home! you need him your moms crazy!

I wish I could answer but I couldn't. my mom would take my phone.

We reach the house and she goes inside I run up to my room and shut the door and call Justin.

"Hello" his deep voice rings.

"Justin it's mom! I need you to come get me for the summer I'm not staying her to get beat again." I shout.

"Dani you know I'm busy with my new album. my song confident is off the charts and people are demanding more." he explains.

I cry into the phone "Justin you said whenever I needed you you would be there. please brother I need you." I beg.

He sighs "I'll be working alot." he sighs again "ill catch a plane next Friday. you can't stay with me but I know who you can stay with" he chuckles "I know you'll like it"

"Thank you! thank you so much! I owe you!" I cheer

You don't owe me anything, a promise is a promise love"

Bye doofus. I hang up. I dance around my room then hop on vine. I spend hours stalking Nash's account then finally comment on one.

Dani Bieber: I love your vines, remember me. dani.

About fifteen minutes later there's a reply.

Nash Grier: you! haha I got a call from your brother a few minutes ago. well be spending a lot of time together.

Okay what? no way.....omigosh!



I hope you've guessed who her brother is if not it's Justin Bieber I know I know huge twist. but I hope you like it.

And guess who's she's stating with?! comment who you think.



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