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I'm going to start updating more oftennnn!!!!! Boom Shaka lakaaaa

We all were on the couch I had my head on Scott's shoulder.

And Ryan,blake, and Justin were all on the other couch including nash.

"So how you been j" Scott says to Justin.

I catch Nash's eye and he's squinting at Scott then me then scoffs.

Oh shit.

I sit up.

"Thirsty anyone? imma go get some fanta from the garage." I announce getting up Scott grabs my hand I look down at him.

"Coke please"

"Ok" I say walking away once I reach the garage someone comes in and closes the door.

"What" i turn around it was nash. "oh hey"

He looked mad.

"What am I to you?" he growls but still sounding calm.

Witch scared me.

"My boyfri-"

"Then why arnt you snuggling with me?" he says clearly jelouse.

I walk up to him and put my hands in his hair shaking my head.

"Someone's jellllly" i laugh.

"No, it just makes me uncomfortable seeing you with him"

"But I'm with you"

He looks at me and the edges of his lips curve up.

"I love you dani Beiber" he says kissing my forehead.

I giggle. walking away I grab the fanta and the coke grab Nash's hand and tangle our fingers together.

We walk out and everyone glances at us then our hands. Justin chuckles then they go back to their convas.

Me and Nash sit together and I snuggle up to him.


That night Nash's mom gathers us together.

"Ok bed situations.

Alright so Nash and dani in Nash's bed."

She winks at me.

Nash nudges me in the shoulder and I feel his lips on my cheek for a split second.

I blush.

"Justin your room Hayes Justin's floor."

Blake and Scott on Danis bed and Ryan couch."

Everyone nods.

Me Nash Blake and Scott head to bed.

I crawl into Nash's bed and as I drifted off I felt his arms snake around me and pull me into him.

I turn so our faces were close and our chests were touching.

"You make my heart rush dani" he whispers over Scott's snoring.

"Me too" I mumble.

He parts his lips and I kiss them slowly and we had a huge makeout sesh.

He slips his hand under my shirt.

I hear the room door open and His hand slips out and he pretends he's asleep

"Hey guys can I jump in the couch is uncomfortable" Ryan says in the darkness.

Nash nods and he squishes In.

Next think you know Justin is shoved in too.

Nash and I were snuggle together and justin snuggled around me and Ryan on the end.

I felt so comfortable in my brother and Nash's arms.

The sun stung my eyes I rolled over and didn't feel Justin and Ryan then I hear Nash groan "quit moving babe" I smile because his sexy morning voice.

I look at him and he was looking at me.

I just notice that his hand was on my butt

He leans over and kisses me then rolls out of bed.

"Noooooo" I groan "come backkkkk"

He laughs as he puts on a shirt.

He had a black shirt with blue Adidas shorts.

I eventually get up too and put a off the shoulder oversized sweater over my cami and left my pajama shorts on.

We walk out into the hallway and get a big whiff of pancakes. We come downstairs. and I instantly pause from seeing an unfamiliar face.

Nash pauses next to me with a puzzled look.

Justin and a girl were lockin lips in the kitchen! and Nash's mom was just flipping pancakes without a care in the world and all the boys around the table eating.

Justin notices and the split she giggles.

"Hi" she says softly "I'm Selena" she says

Oh my god wait that's Selena Gomez! she had a pair of blue jeans on on with a tank top and vans.

"Hi I'm Dani" I smile

She looks at Nash then she smiles flirtily. "and you are?"

"Nash" he says scratching his neck.

"Nice to meet you....both" she bites her lip once again a flirtatious move. I don't like this. I tangle my fingers with nashes. He pulls me close into his side.

"Oh..." A look of jealously and disgust spread across her face for a split second. "you two a thing?"

"Yeah danis my boo bear" he looks down at me.

I blush and look up at him and peck his lips.

A smile tugs at his lips.

She walks over to Justin and gives him a look and then goes to help nashes mom cook.

Justin smiles at me then joins the other boys at the table so does Nash. I watched him walk to the table damn he was fine.

I look over at Selena she was googly eyeing him!! She better back off or I'll tell Justin. buy I don't want to hurt him.... maybe I'm just seeing things.


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