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I wake up to the sound of Nash moaning. I roll my head over to see him with his eyes closed and a frustrated look. "Nash are you ok?" I whisper

No answer just louder moans. This goes on for another minute. Then he lets out a deep sigh that was held in. He opens his eyes and our eyes meet. His face turns a bright pink and he looks at his shorts and there's a medium sized wet spot.

"Fuck" he mumbles "be right back" he gets up and goes to the bathroom.

I sit up in confusion minutes later he walks in with new basketball shorts on and crawls back into bed. "The things you do to me" he sighs

Pulling me down with him as he lays down. We both fall back asleep in each others arms


I wake up again to a empty bed and a sun shining through the window. I sit up and yawn my hair in a weird looking bun. Slowly removing the covers I get up and drag myself to the sound of Nash's voice downstairs when I reach the kitchen I see Elizabeth cooking some eggs and Justin and hayes arm wrestling and Nash cheering them on.

"Ahem" I clear my throat and nash looks over.

"Hey babe" he says

"Hey" I answer rubbing my eyes.

He pats his leg and I sit on it my legs between his. he kisses my neck and moves up like no ones around.

Slightly giggling I lean to his ear

"Your moms right there.." I whisper

"So" he smirks.

i punch him lightly in the arm and he laughs.

"Oh whatever it's just because your all buffed out man!" I hear hayes groan.

We all laugh and Nash's mom places fresh bacon and eggs on the table.

"Yum" I say digging in.

After breakfast I go upstairs and take a nice calm shower brush my teeth, comb my hair and put on some knee high black socks black shorts cropped burgundy crop and converse. With a small necklace.

"That's nice on you" nash says looking up as I walk into the bedroom.
"Thanks" I blush.
I sit next to him on the bed and he's looking at plane tickets.
"Whatcha lookin at?"
"I was just thinking...maybe you and the boys can go to Florida with me."
My eyes go wide "ha...ha...funny"

He rolls his eyes as he sits me on top of him in a straddle position.
"I'm serious dani, I really want you to be with me on this M&G and see all my friends."
I bite my lip and snake my hands around his neck.
"Fine...only under one condition..."
I say smirking

"Anything!" he answers quickly 

"Don't let me distract you from bonding with you fans ok?" I state slowly.


I smile "this is going to be so fun! When do we leave?"

"Friday" he simply answers

"That's one day from now!" I gasp
"I need to get my bathroom essentials and my makeup and clothes and shoes will be a hassle...oh my lord...what am I going to wear!? Maybe a p-"

"Dani?" Nash interrupts my panic plotting.

"Hm? What?"

"I think you forgot I said Friday not in 20 minutes princess" he laughs lightly as he rests his hands on my hips making me realize I'm still straddling him.

"I'm sorry" I say smiling awkwardly.

Then it was there. That moment that I try to avoid. Its that moment when you really realize it's not a dream that this boy, that thousands of girls dream about including you is yours. And he's right in front of you observing your every flaw and looking at you with the udder most adoration.

As I watch him glide his hand gently up my bare arm and up to my face caressing my cheek.

I feel insecure.

He's really looking at me, maybe he's searching for a reason to stop liking me and send me on my way. I've always been scared of these moments it makes me think and feel way more than I want to let in. But why can't I tell him to stop? Why can't I look away?

"Your so beautiful." He whispers looking me straight in my eyes it's a shame his beautiful blue orbs have to see my brown ones all the time no competition there.

He's thumb glides across my bottom lip lightly.

His other hand still gripping on my bare hip due to my cropped shirt.

"God , I'm so in love with you" he chuckles slightly.

Then the trance i seemed to be stuck in dropped.

I turn my head to the side and his hand drops hesitantly.

A sad frown shows itself on his face but quickly he hides it behind a neutral smile.

Then that Intimate silence

becomes a stiff silence.

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