The Prison

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You sat there looking around watching as the many blue gems passed below you looking up a time to time pointing and talking about you, you growing irritated sat there and banged on the glass as if you were to shatter it. "What did I even do?" You said to yourself looking down at the colony. "I should not be in here!!" You punched the bottom of the glass again where you already had marks from where you last punched it. "I'm just going to stop trying.." you put your head in your lap and started sulking a bit. "Get them!! Don't let them take that box down!" Your headshot up when you felt the box jerk and fall down. "What the-" you crashed down onto the ground slowly getting up, looking at everyone around you. "Um.." you stood straight up and watched as they backed away. "(Y/N)! Run and fall to the earth you'll be safe there!" You looked around and listened as if you had a choice now. You ran and ran till you met the edge and looked down at the long fall. "No way.." you felt a strong force tackle you, holding onto you making you fall down to the earth at an alarming rate.

"We can still get hurt you know!!" You said in a panicked state, looking at who tackled you. "Woah.." you looked as a large gem held you tightly with dark skin, fluffed up black hair, and very reflective glasses. "Who are you?" You questioned very curious and still scared. "No time for questions." She told you as she landed. "What are we going to do with her Garnet?" 'Garnet..' you said to yourself as she set you down. "Heeeeyyy!!!! Another addition!!" "Quiet Amethyst!" "Aw, but Pearl come oonnn a famous addition!" You looked at the tall pale one with a gem on her head repeating her name. 'Pearl'. You then looked at the short purple one with purple quartz on her chest also repeating her name. 'Amethyst'. Summoning your (G/W) you stepped back and held it up at the three ready to defend yourself. "Y-your the rebels everyone was talking about!" Garnet raised her hand and lowered your (G/W). "We aren't here to hurt you (Y/N) we're here to help you regain yourself from Homeworld and their ridiculous plans."

"That's right! We have no intentions to hurt you." Pearl said right after Garnet. You stared at them for a while then backed away still in shock and still fearful. "You just gonna put me back in that box!" You yelled as you kept backing away. "I don't want to go ba-" not realizing you were on a cliff you slipped back and fell off fairly quickly. "(Y/N)!!" Garnet yelled as she reached for you. You grabbed into the nearest ledge and sat there embarrassed and kind of shamed. "Some escape.." you said. "(Y/N) are you OK?" You watched as Garnet slid down next to you and smiled as she put her hand out to help. "Yea I'm fine thanks.." you grabbed her hand and helped her climb up to the top. "You're taller than I thought," Garnet said looking at you up and down. You were fairly tall taller than Amethyst and Pearl of course but a little bit taller than Garnet. "Yea.." you rubbed your gem on your (G/L) and looked around. "Sorry, I panicked." "It's OK everyone panicked their first time here," Pearl said as she took a step closer. "Yeah man, you have nothing to worry about!" Amethyst said trying to cheer you up a bit. "We can tell you more if you come with us," Garnet said as she held her hand out waiting for you to grab it. "You can tell me everything?" You asked grabbing her hand kind of hesitant. "Of course." She smiled at you and started walking as she kept a hold of your hand. "So this is the earth?" "Sure is! Cool am I right?" You shook your head with a smile at Amethyst as she nudged your leg. "We protect these wonderful things with our lives," Pearl said as she did a quick turn.

      "I've always heard stories but I've never thought it would be like this.." Garnet pulled you closer carrying you again. "Gems. We need to hurry." They summoned their weapons and nodded in agreement as Garnet got faster. "What's going on?" She looked down at you then back at the sky. "Nothing. It's just getting dark and in the forest, wolves tend to come out and attack." "Wolves?" You said worriedly again. "If you really want to get home faster you gotta move quicker than this!" You reversed Garnets hold and picked Pearl up. "Get on my back Amethyst." "Gladly." She said jumping on. With full speed, you busted out of the forest and followed Garnets' directions to the unknown place. "What is that?" You pointed at a boy with thick curly hair, and kind of chubby with sandals, pants, and a golden star on his shirt. You backed up behind Garnet as he ran up to them full of excitement. "Who's this!? (Her/His) hair looks Coool!! Look at (His/Her) outfit and those eyes!" "Go ahead dude introduce yourself." Amethyst pushed you up a bit to where Steven was. "I'm (Y/N).." "hi (Y/N) my name is Steven! I'm a human." 'Human?' You said to yourself as you watched his movements. Garnet chuckled and rubbed his head. "Now Steven what are you doing up so late?"

"I just wanted to see this important Gem you were all talking about." "Well, here I am." You said with a nervous chuckle. "Steven it's time for bed." Steven groaned a bit and looked up at Garnet. "But Garneetttt." "No buts." She picked him up then looked at you three. "(Y/N) you're sleeping in my room." Pearl sighed and walked inside after Amethyst. "Come on P, I know you aren't jealous cause she isn't sleeping with you." Amethyst chuckled at her joke and went into her room. "No, I'm not jealous!" You watched as Pearl walked in her room and waited for Garnet by her door, watching as she tucked Steven in. "Come in." You felt intense heat as she passed you sending chills down your spine. But still, you followed.

(Just a preview of something I was thinking about. Tell me what you think!)

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