Indirect Date

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You and Garnet walked down Beach city and smiled as the people greeted you and offered you fun things to do with Garnet. "So this is what the people of Beach city is like..on a calm day?" "Yep, nice and quiet." "Is that why you decide to stay here and protect these people?" "We stay here for them and for Steven." "But Steven mainly." You said giving her a smile. "Yea, mainly Steven. But that doesn't mean we aren't here for the people that sounds like we don't care about them." "Garnet!? Garnet is that you!?" You looked over at a boy in a white hat and a light blue sweater as he ran up to Garnet and turned your nose up at him. "Who are you?" You said looking down at him as he stood in front of you and Garnet. "My name is Jamie! I see you met the wonderful Beautiful woman named Garnet!" He sighed and looked at her with admiration. "She's just so wonderful..." "I'll show you wonderful." You said growling under your breath, Garnet chuckled at your frustration and pulled you closer. "Sorry Jamie but I'm with someone right now." You looked at Garnet surprised and felt your chest burn oh how you would love for her to say that for real. Jamie blushed in embarrassment and clapped his hands together. "I'm so sorry about that! I didn't know." He said with a nervous chuckle. "Its fine Jamie honest mistake." Jamie quickly walked away and looked back real quick smiling and waving. "So your with me huh?" You said jokingly as she took her arm from around you. "Only a mere distraction to get rid of Jamie." "Could be more than a distraction." Garnet looked at you with a serious expression and crossed her arms. "Friend wise! Friend wise." You looked around and saw a man selling cotton candy and pulled on Garnet. "Where are we going?" "To have some fun." You asked for two cones of cotton candy and handed Garnet one. "You ever had the chance to actually admire the ocean?" "I've sat and watched it but never had the chance to actually admire it." You grabbed Garnets hand and led her toward the ocean sitting down in the sand as you got there. "Don't you think its time now?" You watched as Garnet took off her shades and sat back with a calming smile. 'She's so beautiful..' You thought to yourself as you watched her. "It's not nice to stare, (Y/N)." You snapped back to reality and started staring at the ocean. "Sometimes I just can't help it."
"Haven't I heard that before?" Garnet said with a chuckle still not looking at you. "Yea, you have...hey Garnet?" "Yes?" "You mind if I ask you something?" "I have a feeling its about me and Zircon." "You didn't have a feeling you can see it." "Thus time its an honest one." Garnet laughed and laid back. "Me and Zircon met a long time ago but only as friends, she was with Pearl at the time and was not happy. I knew because you could see it in her face you could see the unhappiness. She used to be so full of life back then when they were together..until she found out that Pearl was just using her for her own power. After that she crashed down into the deepest depression I've ever seen, so me being me I helped her can't leave a friend down in the dumps like that I went to talk to her and see what was wrong she told me and we instantly clicked. We had so much in common! So much that we ended up falling for each other it might sound weird because of Ruby and Sapphire but..she doesn't care about that she truly accepts who I am not just because of Ruby and Sapphire but because of ME. She's amazing and wonderful..." You watched as Garnet got excited about her love and shrunk a little bit. "Sorry I'm rambling now but Pearl grew up out of her habits after she realized what she did to Zircon." "No no you aren't rambling! I was listening entirely! I love when you tell me stories about your past you get so into it." Garnet finally looked at you with a shocked look then quickly looked away back at the ocean. "You really like that? No ones ever actually listened as closely as you have." "Zircon hasn't?" "She's been there why does she need to listen?" "So you can get certain things off of your chest." "Well since Zircon is apparently always busy do you want to be the person I can talk to?" " uh...s-sure! I would love to listen to you."

***skipping time**

Zircon started running toward the warp pad and immediately stopped when a huge rock crashed onto it. "Crap!" She got up as fast as she could and ran into the bushes trying to hide from her pursuers. "Where did she go!?" "We don't know ma'am." "Find her!! She couldn't have gone far the warp pad is down, and there's no way she made it." "I think I have a trail!" "Then follow it! She will be shattered we will follow Yellow Diamonds orders without fail!" Zircon finally took a deep breath when they left and held her side where a deep cut was in pain. "Why am I always stuck with these stupid assassin's?" She got up and slumped on a tree taking short breaths. "Now how am I going to get back?" She heard rustling behind her and quickly looked at the surprised guard. "SHE'S-" Zircon quickly tackled the guard down and put her hand over her mouth. "Listen here whoever you are! I don't need this right now.. I'm hurt and tired now you either help me or I shatter you!" Zircon squinted her eyes a bit and lifted her hand up a bit so the guard could talk. "Zircon is that really you...?" "Morganite!?" Zircon said in a whisper yell. "Why are you here with Yellow Diamonds guards!? You should be gone off somewhere in space." "I was imprisoned and was ordered to serve her." "If you knew it was me then why did you almost alert them!" "I didn't know it was you they told me different." Zircon got up and sat back against the tree. "I'm so dead." "I know where the other warp pad is if that helps." "You do!? We have to get there fast or Garnet will come looking for me." "Oh you're with Garnet now?" Zircon looked at Morganite and smiled. "No need to act like that Morganite." Morganite moved Zircons hand and placed her hand on her wound. "Here let me help you before you reform, and you're no use when you aren't here." "Thanks." Zircon watched as Morganite put her peach colored hair up not noticing her slight blush. "You're staring and blushing, again." "What? Oh! Sorry." "Its ok, as you can tell I do it sometimes too." Zircon looked away and tried sighing but jumped at the pain. "Its pretty deep." "Yea I've noticed." Zircon moved some bushes out of the way and looked out at the ocean.

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