Sudden Truth

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You laid there on the ground looking up at the sky full of unbearable pain. You turned your head and watched as Pearl ran over to you with a med kit behind her you saw a bright shining light behind her and saw Garnet struggling to get out of Zircons strong looking grip. You saw Zircons bright red body and Garnet separate into two. "(Y/N)!!" You faintly heard your name and looked at Pearl again as she leaned over you slightly crying. "Why didn't you listen!?" You woke up in a cold sweat and frantically looked around. You noticed Zircon and Garnet across the room and watched as they kissed each other and laughed at each other. "Pearl...." You said looking up at the bubbled gems.
You didn't notice the two as they walked over to you. "What about Pearl?" Zircon said lightly kicking you. "N-nothing!" "You've been saying her name in your sleep for the past hour so its something." You looked at Zircon and Garnet then looked away. "It was only a dream." Zircon shrugged her shoulders and headed out of the room. "What was your dream about (Y/N)?" "I dreamt that Zircon found out and she went completely berserk like she was bright red and glowing! I was badly injured and all I could move was my head I could only faintly hear my name." "Who was calling it?" "Pearl was, she called it and ran towards me with a med kit. Then I saw you split in two...and then I heard Pearl ask me why didn't I listen." Garnet squatted down over you with her arms crossed a and gave you a small frown. "You know what that means." "What? N-no we can't!" "You know we have to avoid everything. That can cause a disaster." Garnet grabbed the bridge of her nose and sighed. "What have I done. I've made mistakes I've even seen them! And I still manage to keep making them." She opened her eyes and looked at you. "I can't make anymore mistakes like this." "How could she even know!? She doesn't know so you don't have to do this!" "How long has this went on (Y/N), a while she's bound to know now Zircon isn't as stupid as you think she is." Zircon was leaning on the door with her back turned to it and crossed her arms. "I'm glad she's listening to what I said." Zircon noticed Pearl standing outside and smiled at her. "All you have to do is ask Pearl." The door opened making her fall back and hit the ground next to your feet. You looked down at her and walked off outside with Pearl. "You win." You said not looking at her. "I win?" She said kind of offended. "What do you mean by that?" "You won, Garnet doesn't want anything to do with me anymore." "And what made you think she really did in the first place?" "I know she did." "Listen to you (Y/N) you sound ridiculous and delusional. You're so stuck on somebody that has somebody! You have no type of right, right now to tell me I won I didn't do this to you, you did this to yourself. I wanted to help you but you kept refusing to listen to me all I wanted to do was keep you protected from getting into pointless fights and arguments."
     You looked at her with your eyebrows raised and thought of a response. "I wanted to tell you how I felt but I knew you wouldn't because you were stuck on Garnet..." "I'm sorry Pearl." You said feeling a rush of guilt. "Sometimes you just have to listen for once (Y/N)." You looked away from Pearl then looked back at her with a slight smile. "Karma." "What?" "When I was stuck in that box that's all I would've talked about, Karma. I always said that'll it will get others...I thought I was untouchable and Karma would never get me. was right in front of me and I never noticed it until now. Looking at you and how you act about me karma was giving me the biggest chance of my existence and I failed to take it. Being in a box for thousands of years has taken my sense away leading it all to this. I'm sorry Pearl, sorry you have to deal with my mistakes." pearl hugged you tightly and buried her face inside of your chest. "I can't possibly stay angry at you.." "After all this?"
     "Its natural for us to make mistakes I learned that from Steven, he's really good at this..better than me actually. Look, listen to me (Y/N) you aren't the only one that's made mistakes while being here we've all made mistakes big ones and we have to learn from them. Yes of course people are gonna be mad at you for them but that doesn't mean they'll hate you." Pearl held your hand and gave you a warm smile. "Well I know for one that I forgive you." Zircon said walking out the door. "Me too." Garnet said standing next to Zircon. "Hey you guys!!" "Speaking of Steven." Steven ran up the stairs and slipped a bit. "I've missed you all so much!!" He hugged you tightly and didn't want to let go. "we've missed you too Steven." Zircon said picking him up. "You did?" "Of course! Why wouldn't we?" Greg walked up the stairs and waved at everyone. "Hey greg." Zircon said with a small laugh. "How's it going?" "Better." You said looking at Pearl. "Well that's good now it doesn't have to be as awkward as I thought it would." Greg said leaning on the rail. "Awkward how?" Steven said poking his head out of Zircons hair. "uh...we can discuss that a bit Later." Greg said nervously Laughing at Steven. "Aw come on I bet I could understand!" "Maybe when you turn fifteen I'll tell you." "but you'll forget!" "Come on now Steven." Zircon said walking back inside. "Tell me how your trip was." "It was so cool!! We got to surf and everyone loved my ukulele skills!" "That's amazing Steven! You have to show us how amazing you've gotten with it." "Anytime!"

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