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"Zircon has been missing for five days (Y/N)!! Wh-where could she be!?" You stopped Garnet in her tracks as you hugged her and held her tighter. "Its ok I'm sure she'll turn up soon!" You heard noises outside of Garnets room and looked at the door confused. "Morganite!?" "Pearl!?" "How've you been?" "I've been wonderful thank you for asking." "What happened to you two?" "I'd let Zircon talk about it uh...where's Garnet?" You looked at Garnet and saw the anger and seriousness in her face. "Garnet-" she passed you and opened her door looking at Morganite with complete hatred. "Why are you here?" Everyone looked at Garnet and got quiet.

   "I helped Zircon out of trouble and healed her wounds if you don't mind." "I mind." Garnet grabbed Zircon and held her close. "Garnet come on she helped me through a lot just to get here she helped me get to you." "I don't care." "Well you should Garnet." Zircon slightly pulled away from Garnet and crossed her arms. "She helped me get to you at least thank her." "I am not thanking her! She's just here to cause problems again." "I assure you I'm not here to do that." "You said that last time you were around us and almost put our relationship to an end!" "Times change sweetheart." "I'm not your sweetheart." You sat there awkwardly and looked at Morganite with a frown. "What's your name?" She passed by Garnet and grabbed your hand giving it a shake.

    "My names (Y/N)." You said cautiously slowly looking at Garnet and Zircon. "You shouldn't have brought her here." "You know if someone helps me I have to help back." "She really helped you?" "Yes, she healed my wounds Garnet." "I have a bad feeling.." "Trust me I won't let her affect us at all." Morganite gave you a smile and slowly pulled her hand back. "I need your guys help." "With what?" You heard Amethyst walk in and watched as she gave Morganite a complicated handshake. "What's up Morganite? What's your problem?" "Yellow Diamond has imprisoned most of the unique gems and we can't get away." "I'll help." You said stepping up. Garnet saw how you looked at Morganite and slightly gritted her teeth. "I'll go too." She said standing next to you. "I can go." "No you can't Zircon you need to stay here with me and Amethyst so we can help you. "But they'll need me." "I'm pretty sure (Y/N) can handle it now lay down." Zircon sighed deeply and laid on the couch.

     "We're off! We'll be quick so they can return quickly." You stepped on the warp pad with the two and waved bye as you warped away. You landed in an entirely different area and looked up at the orange sky. "Where are we?" "Home world." "What!? I shouldn't be here!" You said in a panic. "Calm down (Y/N) as long as-" "you're with me you'll be fine!" You looked at morganite as she cut Garnet off and slightly laughed. "Don't worry we're going under cover so we won't get caught." Morganite grabbed your hand and held you closer to her. Garnet clenched her fist and growled a bit as she followed. "Tell me about yourself (Y/N)." "Uh...well there's not much to know really, I was created I disobeyed got trapped in a box and now I'm here." "What were you created for?" "I was created to be a weapon of destruction." She looked at you then laughed. "Why are you so confident in saying that?" "Zircon helped me get over it." "Ah, she's helped me do a lot in my life." "You two were together?" "No we were real close friends until Garnet came along." "Garnet?" You looked at Garnet as she looked around examining her surroundings.

    "Yea..she's a real stickler over Zircon we had a huge fight and it ruined all of our relationships. She blames me but she was the one over reacting about it all." "What was that?" Garnet said walking up. "Nothing." Morganite said holding your hand tighter. "We have to find Yellow Diamonds iris so we can free the others." "Where would it even be located?" "Somewhere near or on her." "What? How do you expect us to be a sneaky about that!" Morganite held you even closer almost making your faces touch. "Trust me." You felt Garnets grip and looked at her when she pulled you back, you felt the jealously burn off of her and stayed quiet. "Why are you so worried about (Y/N) stop being over protective (her/him) its like you love her, you have Zircon don't you?" "Yes..but I know you you're just trying to play with (Y/N) emotions." "Are you sure you aren't playing with (his/her) emotions Garnet? You seem to love Zircon yet you keep messing with (Y/N)! Its either Zircon or (Y/N) stop wasting (his/her) time!" Garnet let you go and started arguing back and forth with Morganite. You looked into an empty room and saw a bright yellow glowing eye like ball. You ran towards it looking around and quickly grabbed it.

    "Because I love (her/him)!!" You heard Garnet say as you ran out. "But I can't love Zircon the way I want because I love (Y/N).." "And you thought Zircon were to do something to hurt you? You're pathetic Garnet!" You walked back with the iris in your hands and looked at Morganite angrily. "She isn't pathetic." "Give me the iris (Y/N)." "You're the pathetic one, your the one going around trying to cut up relationships." "You aren't in a relationship! Garnet already has someone, someone that loves her!" "Well maybe she doesn't feel loved anymore! Zircon is always leaving her behind and she's sick of it she's lonely and I don't see how you all don't see it." Morganite snatched the iris away from you and sternly looked at you.

     "You don't know who you're messing with (Y/N), Zircon cares for Garnet and will do anything to keep her by her side. You can't just run in and ruin the most perfect relationship." "You ruined our relationship!" "YOU ruined your relationship! I was just her friend Garnet you took it to a whole nother level out of jealousy. You'll ruin the best relationship you've ever had if you keep this secret 'relationship' like this." You got quiet and looked down in slight shame at Morganites true words. "Stop them!!!" You all looked back and saw Yellow Diamond pointing at you all. You ran past the two and looked back trying to stay calm. "Come on before they catch up!" They ran behind you and quickly warped away before they caught up. "That was close." You said slightly trying to break the tension.

    "Right?" You said looking at Morganite. She looked down at you then quickly looked away full of anger and more things to say. "Garnet?" Garnet didn't look at you she just sat there quiet and still. You appeared at the house and saw nobody there, Garnet stood there still and not moving off of the warp pad. "I'm guessing you Brought me back to stay while you two go destroy the iris." Morganite looked at you and nodded her head as they warped away again. "Ugggghhhh hurrryyyy upppppp." You barley sat down on the couch and saw Garnet cone back with the iris in her hands. "I got the iris back." "I thought you were going to destroy it?" "We changed our minds and parted ways." She bubbled the iris and sent it off, she then started slowly walking toward you with a smile. "What?" She slightly pushed you on the couch and sat on your lap with her face slowly getting closer to hers. "Garnet-?" She kissed you making you get quiet and kept it going for a while.

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