A Show For Us

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"Come little children, I'll take thee away into a land of enchantment," Momma sang her lullaby to all of us who wanted to sit and listen to it "Come little children, the time's come to play here in my garden of magic..." Annabell fell asleep on the couch and Wyan, Jehu and Cyle were all too 'cool' to hang out with Momma any more, so it was just me, this time.

"Momma," I beamed as she ran a brush carefully through my snarled hair "Why doesn't anyone want to listen to you anymore?"

"Because they all grew up," Momma chuckled "The little kid in them is gone now."

"What happened to it?" I inquired.

"They threw it away," Momma sighed "But, you don't have to throw away the little kid, Jake. The little kid can stay inside of you, forever; you just have to teach her to share."

"But what if she won't listen to me?" I worried.

"Jake, my dear," Momma gave me a weak smile "You are the child. You only have to listen to yourself."


Jake came back into reality when she felt someone pick her up and carry her somewhere. She fought every muscle in her body not to fling her eyes open and punch the person in the face. She didn't want to upset her sister in case it was someone important...

...Like maybe Justice.

"Können wir es heraus? Können wir eine Familie sein?" an all too farmiliar German voice sang softly "Ich verspreche, ich werde mich bessern, Mommy ich werde alles tun. Können wir es heraus? Können wir eine Familie sein? Ich verspreche, ich werde mich bessern, Daddy, bitte noch nicht verlassen."

"What are you singing?" Jake whispered, keeping her eyes closed.

"It's a song by one of the American artists, Pink?" Klavier explained "It's a pretty sad song."

"Sing it in English," Jake commanded.

"In our family portrait, we look pretty happy," he began "Let's play pretend, let's act like it comes natura-"

"From the beginning," Jake shook her head "You act like you've never sung anybody to sleep."

"Truth be told," Klavier rolled his eyes "I don't do it every day."

"Just sing," Jake waved away "Before I change my mind."

"Alright, alright," Klavier complied "Momma please stop crying, I can't stand the sound; Your pain is painful and its tearin' me down; I hear glasses breaking as I sit up in my bed; I told dad you didn't mean those nasty things you said; You fight about money, 'bout me and my brother And this I come home to, this is my shelter.

"Sounds like my family," Jake murmured, resting her head against Klavier's shoulder, tired and slightly more depressed than she was earlier.

"My house life was kind of like that for a while too," Klavier related, opening the door of the room she was staying and setting her gently on the bed "I better let you get to sleep, else Godot'll have my head."

"Wait," she took hold of his sleep, sleepily, so he wouldn't walk away "Sing it in German again."

"Alright," he smiled, sitting on the bed beside her "But only for a minute."

"Don't tell anybody I told you this 'cuz I'll deny it," Jake muttered "But you've got an OK voice. I'll only need a minute."

"I'd hope I had an OK voice," Klavier chuckled "I used to be in a rock band, after all."


"Get up, Lazy-face," Annabell pushed Jake off the bed "Phoenix and Edgeworth are taking us to breakfast and if I miss it because you wouldn't get up, I'll never forgive you."

"Yes, you will," Jake groaned.

"That's not the point!" Annabell wined "Just get up!" Jake crawled her way through her morning routine and barely exchanged good mornings with Godot before being shoved out the door and into Miles' shiny red car.

"It's too early for this," Jake yawned.

"I hear ya," Phoenix replied, stretching himself out by putting his feet on the dash.

"On the floor!" Miles barked, making Phoenix instantly put his legs back down.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"Anyway," Miles calmed down, looking at Jake through the mirror "I have a strict schedule I follow in the morning. Tea at the cafe in town is a must."

"Besides," Annabell got a mischievous look on her face "They have cheesecake."

"Cheesecake," Jake facepalmed "Wonderful." Phoenix and Miles exchanged glances.


"Ow," Annabell grimaced "Mister Edgeworth. I think my face is clean, now."

"I don't know," Jake smirked "I think you missed a spot."

"You're next, Jake," Miles assured.

"Ah!" Jake cried, hiding behind Phoenix "Keep your obsessions to yourself, bro."

"Keep me out of this," Phoenix demanded.

"Now that I think about it," Miles paused "You could use a good fa-"

"Me and Jake are going to go out to the car," Phoenix rushed "She left her um..."

"Let's just go," Jake hissed, dragging Phoenix away by the wrist. Once they were out of sight, Miles turned back to Annabell and the highfived.

"You aren't a half bad actress," he winked.

"It was a team effort getting them to get lost, Mister Edgeworth," Annabell informed "We both accomplished it and we're both going to be punished severely for it later."

"Huh," Miles shuddered "Phoenix can get mean when he's angry."

"I'm going to have both Godot and Jake on my back," Annabell reminded.

"Maybe so," Miles smirked "But I've got Apollo's little sister, Trucy."

"We could flee the country," Annabell suggested.

"Where would we go?" Miles raised an eyebrow.

"Canada, eh?" she tried.

"Canada..." Miles laughed "Sure. Why not?"


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