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"Do you like it here?" The sudden question escaped Scott's lips before he could stop it, quiet and almost timid.

Mitch looked up at him and nodded slowly, without hesitation.

Scott chewed his lip. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Mitch said quietly.

Scott hesitated a moment, but dropped it. "Okay."

Mitch closed his eyes again and nuzzled against him.

Scott wrapped his arms around him and closed his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." Mitch murmured tiredly.

Scott ran his hand along Mitch's side, knowing he was tired.

Mitch fell asleep slowly, holding onto him weakly.

Scott relaxed as well and slowly fell asleep.


Mitch jumped awake as thunder crashed from outside. Thinking it was just his imagination, he closed his eyes and laid back down. But when he heard thunder again, he whimpered quietly, glancing around the room. The shadows dancing around the floors and the walls made him panic slightly, and when he looked at the window, lightning flashed and the room lit up for a moment. Mitch looked back to the middle of the room and started to tremble. He could've sworn he saw somebody standing there just a second ago.

Scott blinked groggily from next to him, rubbing his eyes. "Princess?" he said hoarsely, his voice rough from sleep.

Mitch jumped at the sound of his voice and whimpered again, yelping when thunder crashed.

Scott frowned and gently wrapped his arms around him, not wanting to scare him. "Shh. It's okay, princess. It's only a storm."

Lightning flashed again, and Mitch saw the same man standing in their room. He tensed and started to mumble, "H-He... there, h-h-here...

Scott quickly glanced over but relaxed when he saw nothing was there, pulling Mitch closer. "It's not real. He's not there, princess, I promise. Just you and me."

Mitch pointed shakily when lightning flashed continuously, trembling harder when the man appeared every time, getting closer and closer to the bed with each flash.

Scott held him closer and gently tucked Mitch's head into his chest to keep him from seeing "the man".

Mitch clutched onto his shirt and jumped violently when the loudest crash of thunder yet filled the room, and his ears rang out of fear.

Scott ran his hand along his back, murmuring a comforting string of words the whole time.

Mitch looked up shakily and saw the man standing over them, even though the room hadn't been brightened by lightning. He whimpered loudly and moved as close as possible to Scott. "H-He- b-be-bed..."

Tori smirked slightly and whispered, "Boo."

Scott didn't jump at the sound of her voice, recognizing it. "Hi, Tori," he said, his voice almost bored as he pulled Mitch closer.

Mitch jumped again and held onto Scott tightly, hiding his face in Scott's chest.

Tori plopped down on the bed, crossing her legs, "'Sup." 

Scott kissed Mitch's hair briefly before sitting up. "Why are you here so late?"

Tori shrugged and pulled her hat off, dropping it in her lap lazily. "Why not? Am I not supposed to be here?"

Mitch curled up, and stayed as close to Scott as he could, not looking up.

"It's midnight, Tor," Scott said amusedly, seeing her clearly in the dark due to his heightened senses.

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