Twenty Seven

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Mitch slept soundly in his room, tear-tracks visible on his cheeks from the night before when he cried himself to sleep.

Scott stared coldly up at the house, his eyes dark.

Mitch curled up tighter and moved further under the covers.

Scott marched right up to the front door and knocked.

Nel looked over at the door from her spot on the couch and walked over to open it. As soon as she saw Scott behind the door, her eyes widened and she tried to close it again.

Scott wordlessly pushed past her and stepped inside, staring right upstairs where he knew Mitch would be.

Nel shrunk into herself away from him and followed his gaze. The moment she finally realized he was here for Mitch, she stepped in front of him and shook her head frantically. "Please, please, no. We just got our baby boy back. Please."

Scott ignored her and marched up the stairs, getting faster as he neared Mitch. He rushed inside the room and immediately swept Mitch into his arms, his eyes lightening as they drooped closed.

Mitch frowned slightly in his sleep and woke up slowly, blinking his eyes open.

Nel followed quietly and watched from the doorway timidly, too scared to confront him.

"I love you," Scott whispered.

Mitch woke up fully at the sound of Scott's voice and he looked up at him. "S-Scottie?"

Scott nodded. "Yes, princess. It's me. I love you. I'm sorry."

Mitch smiled widely and leaned up to kiss him.

Scott gently kissed him back, cupping his cheek. 

Nel watched and relaxed slightly as she realized how much Mitch really did love Scott, and that he might've been telling the truth the whole time.

Mitch wrapped his arms around Scott's neck and pressed closer to him.

Scott gently pulled away and pressed their foreheads together, keeping his hand where it was. "I love you."

Mitch started to tear up, sniffling quietly. "I love y-you too."

Scott frowned slightly and leaned in to kiss him again. "Don't cry, darling."

Mitch sobbed quietly anyway, pulling away from him slightly and latching onto his shirt.

Scott frowned more and wrapped his arms around him, holding him gently. "What's wrong?"

"Y-You're h-here."

Scott swallowed, feeling his heart break, and he moved back slightly. "I-I'm sorry, I thought-"

Mitch sobbed louder and held onto him tighter. "N-No. Stay. I l-love you."

Scott immediately moved back, holding him tighter. "Of course. I love you too."

Nel watched with a slight smile, not really sure what to think of Scott.

Mitch sniffled quietly and nuzzled against his chest.

Scott kissed his forehead. "Did anyone hurt you?"

Mitch hesitated, holding his shirt tighter.

Scott frowned slightly, understanding. "Who? I'll kill them for you, princess, just tell me who it is."

Mitch shook his head. "Don't k-kill anybody, p-please."

Scott slowly nodded. "Fine. But who did it?"

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