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Mitch jumped awake at the sound of thunder and whimpered quietly.

Scott subconsciously held him closer, even though he was still asleep.

Mitch covered his ears desperately and whimpered again.

Finally, Scott jumped awake, and it took him a second before his still half-asleep brain caught up.

Mitch jumped when thunder crashed again and cried out quietly.

Scott understood then and started singing immediately, even though his voice wasn't nearly as good as it usually was since he just woke up. "Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Daddy's gonna buy you a mocking bird."

Mitch sniffled quietly and yelped at the loudest crash of thunder yet, starting to tremble.

"And if that mocking bird don't sing, daddy's gonna buy you a diamond ring," Scott sang softly, running his hand along his arm.

Mitch slowly quieted down and simply listened to Scott sing.

"And if that diamond ring turns brass, daddy's gonna buy you a looking glass."

Mitch purred weakly, and closed his eyes slowly.

"And if that looking glass is broke, daddy's gonna buy you a billy goat."

Mitch nuzzled against his chest and started to slip into his little head space.

"And if that billy goat won't pull, daddy's gonna buy you a cart and bull." Scott held him gently, kissing his hair.

Mitch fell silent and listened to him sing, ignoring the storm.

"And if that cart and bull turn over, daddy's gonna buy you a dog named rover."

Mitch smiled weakly and purred.

"And if that dog named rover won't bark, daddy's gonna buy you a horse and cart." Scott's voice got slightly softer.

Mitch fell silent again, enjoying his voice.

Scott's voice got quieter. "And if that horse and cart fall down, you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town."

Mitch smiled and opened his eyes, peeking up at him.

Scott kissed his forehead gently.

Mitch blushed slightly and smiled wider.

"I love you," Scott murmured quietly.

"I love you more."

Scott smiled, remembering what Mitch had said. "I love you most."

Mitch smiled and nuzzled against his nose.

Scott pulled him closer. "If I hadn't been able to get you back, I don't know what I would've done."

Mitch's smile faltered slightly, but he shook his head slightly and pecked his lips.

Scott pulled him back and pressed their lips together in a proper kiss, totally ignoring the fact that Mitch was sick.

Mitch tried to pull away, not wanting for Scott to get sick too.

Scott shook his head slightly and kissed him again.

Mitch gave up and let him, gently kissing him back.

Scott cupped his cheek, trailing his thumb over his cheekbone.

Mitch wrapped his arms around Scott's neck loosely.

Scott pulled him closer, then gently pulled away and pressed their foreheads together.

Mitch blinked his eyes open slowly and smiled weakly at Scott.

"You're so beautiful, princess," Scott murmured, staring into his eyes.

Mitch blushed and stared right back at him.

Scott opened his mouth to say something else, but got lost in his eyes and forgot.

Mitch tilted his head slightly and stared into his eyes, blinking a few times.

Scott closed his mouth again and leaned back down to press their lips together once more.

Mitch kissed back softly and cupped his face gently.

Scott tilted his head slightly without breaking the kiss.

Mitch tangled his fingers in Scott's hair gently.

Scott moved down to kiss along his jaw.

Mitch purred quietly and tilted his head to the side.

Scott kissed down his neck carefully.

Mitch made a small noise of contentment.

Scott nibbled gently on a spot on his neck, glancing up at him.

Mitch shivered and purred, tilting his head more to the side.

Scott sucked softly, turning his gaze back to his work.

Mitch purred louder and held onto him tightly.

Scott finally pulled away and brushed his hair out of his eyes, admiring him.

Mitch blinking slowly, opening his eyes to meet Scott's.

"How did I get so lucky?" Scott murmured, searching his eyes.

Mitch blushed, but didn't look away.

Scott smiled and bent to press a soft kiss to his nose.

Mitch purred quietly and nuzzled against him.

Scott smiled wider and wrapped his arms around him again, pulling him close to his still-bare chest.

Mitch laid his head down on Scott's shoulder and hid his face in the crook of his neck, closing his eyes.

Scott ran his hand along Mitch's back.

Mitch purred quietly and started to fall asleep again, snuggling closer to Scott.

Scott held him closer, kissing his temple.

Mitch drifted off to sleep soon after.

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