Twenty Eight

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Scott saw the sun rising over the horizon and quickly stood up, moving as little as possible so as to not wake Mitch.

Mitch stayed asleep, but shifted slightly and shivered.

Scott frowned slightly but knew he couldn't do anything. Besides, the sun would warm them up as soon as it rose.

Mitch jolted awake and looked around, not recognizing where he was.

Scott kissed his cheek gently. "Good morning, princess."

Mitch saw him and sighed quietly, still shivering.

"Are you hungry?" Scott asked hoarsely.

Mitch shook his head.

Scott nodded and readjusted his grip, holding him tighter.

"Where are we going?" Mitch asked weakly.

"I don't know," Scott whispered, glancing around again. "We're exactly twenty miles from the mansion, but that's not enough."

Mitch nodded and hid his face in Scott's chest.

Scott kissed him quickly and continued on.

Mitch held onto him weakly, continuing to shiver as the sun rose.

Scott frowned slightly and ignored his own shivers, pulling Mitch closer. "We should get you some food."

Mitch shook his head, "I'm not hungry."

"It'll make you warmer, princess."

Mitch replied weakly, "I'm fine."

"If you were fine, you wouldn't be shivering."

Mitch frowned slightly and fell silent.

Scott kissed his cheek gently and kept going, relief washing over him as he heard the distant sounds of cars on a road.

Mitch continued to shiver, even as it got warmer, and he clutched onto Scott.

Scott hesitated a moment, then shifted Mitch to one side, starting to climb a tree and somehow managing.

Mitch shivered more violently, becoming colder than he was already.

Scott frowned slightly and carefully set him down in the tree, kissing his forehead. "You stay here, princess. I'll be back."

Mitch nodded and curled up, leaning against it for support and he let his eyes close.

Scott carefully climbed down and looked up at him once again worriedly before heading into the town.

Mitch drifted off into a pitiful sleep, wrapping his arms weakly around himself.


Scott hurried back to the tree, looking up and relaxing when he saw Mitch still hidden in the branches.

Mitch was still asleep and still shivering, despite the fact that it was warmer.

Scott carefully carried the stuff up to the branch where he was.

Mitch jumped awake at the sound and sat straight up, losing his balance.

Scott quickly reached out and steadied him. "It's okay. It's me."

Mitch relaxed when he saw him and let out a shaky breath.

Scott kissed his forehead and carefully sat down next to him on the tree, putting the bags in his lap and removing a sweatshirt from one of them.

Mitch subconsciously snuggled up next to him for warmth.

Scott handed him the sweatshirt. "Here."

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