Chapter 3

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Flora's POV
My body feels hot also aching all over which disturbs my slumber as I wake up to the bright light shining on my face.

What happened? As I tried to remember what had happened and I suddenly remember what had happened just a while ago. That handsome man who I never met before seemed to know me...

But I didn't remember ever meeting him before so I turn my head to my left where there was a chair but it was empty. Where am I? Who was he? I wondered as questions started to flow through my mind which made me even more confused as I tried to think of an answer.

I honestly didn't understand, I just wanted to go home already and go to work since I would probably get fired for skipping work, I ignored how my aching body was begging for me to rest and slowly lifting my body up from the soft bed and putting my feet to the ground.

The carpet was a beautiful cream white and very fluffy, as I sat on the bed with my feet dangling by the side of the bed I scanned through the unfamiliar but luxurious room.

I noticed a 24 hour clock on the bed stand and the time read 11:21 so it was nearly noon. I am really late, what if they fired me?

"But, forget that already Flora. Where am I?" I mumbled while scolding myself because of my stupidity.

After contemplating about it for a while I finally decided that I should get out of here as soon as possible.

I looked around the room then limped to the door but when I had attempted to open it I found that it was locked and needed some kind of key to open it so the only other option was the window but I've never climbed down from a window before but if I'm lucky there may be something that I can use to climb down.

But how could I climb with this leg?

I need to get out of here! I can't waste anymore time worrying, in this unknown place. Who was that man? He was handsome and drool worthy.

My cheeks flushed thinking about his muscular body bulging out of the shirt he wore from just a glance and he was so handsome, I've never seen anyone like him before.

I shook my head, snap out of it Flora!

It's now or never as I dangled my aching legs over the windowsill trying to ignore the pain but I couldn't stay in a strangers house for a second longer.

'What if he was some sort of creep?' I dreaded thinking to myself but looking at him, it was rather hard to believe he would be but I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

I tried to stretch my legs to the pole while grasping for dear life onto the windowsill, I was so close only a little further my foot would reach the pole about a meter away.

I wasn't flexible and my aching legs didn't help either when my ears caught the sound of the door clicking open by him.

He looked shocked at first but anger spread across his face as his attention turned towards me with a glare, he stomped across the room with two other handsome men by the door.

"Flora! What are you doing?" He exclaimed while I was speechless just staring while his voice drowned into the background 'Who was he? How does he know my name?' I didn't understand, I never saw this man in my life.

The leaned down towards me while grabbing my wrist that was holding onto the window before pulling my arm into the room then with his other arm he slipped it around my waist.

He was glaring at me and I don't know why but I feel so self conscious with his gaze on me, my heart was beating rapidly while he looked into my eyes.

"Leonardo, you're scaring the poor girl." An unknown voice drifted into my ears.

I saw him glance at the men before ignoring them and crossing his arms while frowning at me, I felt like a child being scolded for doing something naughty.

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