Chapter 2: The Dark

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*EDIT: 24/8/17*

Changed  a piece of dialogue because I was unhappy with it:

(("Who, me?" Joker laughed, "No, no, no, Junie. I'm not the one in danger. Even the dark don't scare me, and neither can whatever's in it."

"Why not?"

He grinned, "Because I'm the monster that lurks there."))

His response was originally "I'm the one with the knife", but I always disliked it. Nothing major, but an improvement to ease my irritation! :)


Just wanted to say a quick thanks for the feedback on the first chapter, it means a lot to me! This chapter is again just to set things off and build up character arcs, but don't worry, major plot elements are coming very soon!

Enjoy, don't forget to comment/vote/share!


Chapter 2: The Dark

Tired, sleepless Juniper Stoltz spent the first hour of her morning in the front desk's office drinking coffee with Mara. She was trying to calm her nerves before another patient interview with Joker, but it proved to be excruciatingly hard, with thoughts of the first session repeating in her mind over and over again. Caffeine, a useless substitute for sleep had been keeping June awake that morning; since, again, she'd been up all night just thinking about him and trying to put the pieces together, all to no avail. She tried to keep her hopes up, after all, they'd only had one interview so far, but she couldn't help but think of how difficult he was, how cryptic and yet at the same time blatant and straightforward. June was just itching at the thought of not knowing which part was the real truth- the secrets he kept bottled up or the jokes he let sit right in front of her nose. It made her wonder if Dr. Arkham was right, if he really was incurable.

Incurable, not unbreakable, June reminded herself. There's still memories up for grabs to look into.

And that was the worst part, resisting the temptation of cracking his head open like an egg and looking at the gooey goodies inside. His memories- just there, waiting to be looked at. It was so easy. All she had to do was look into his eyes for a good minute and his life story would roll out like a red carpet for her to walk all over, and she could do with the information whatever she wanted. However, the rational part of her cried out to good morality, stay true and do it right, do it fair. After all, June was a doctor, not a fortune teller.

Mara's voice brought her back to reality and all the muffled noises became clear again. She was back in the front office, staring behind the pale girl opposite her at a clipping of an old news article reading 'Masked Vigilante Brings Justice to Gotham: Clown-Faced Criminal Brought to Arkham'. June silently chuckled. She had the very same snippet of that article pinned to to the fridge back home.

"It's delusional. How come he's even allowed the makeup?" Mara, June's best (because she was honestly her only) friend asked, sneering to show how annoyed by it all she was. She sipped her coffee with stressed brows, tilted downwards in confusion.

Mara was a peculiar companion. She worked at Arkham too, but as an assistant to Jeanette, the secretary in charge of the office. Mara practically did all the work there since Jeanette was just too old to actually function, which basically made Mara the head of the main office, with Jeanette acting as a figurehead.

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