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In the beginning six gods joined their powers to create the world known as Terra. The gods used their powers to create the elements: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Light, and Dark. After the gods had brought forth Terra they created people, and in the beginning of time the people had all lived together on one giant continent in which they called Ordir. For several years the people lived in peace and harmony, but as soon as one of the gods wanted to be able to defeat their counterpart to gain power the world fell apart. The Wind god warred with the Earth god; the Water with Fire; and Light with Dark, and therefore the continents parted and created the continents Erathia, Farraige, Pyro, Aerian, Illuminaria, and Tartarus which were named after the gods who had overtaken them.

The people on the continents all inherited the power to harness the elements in which the gods had given them, Erathia, Earth; Farraige, Water; Pyro, Fire; Aerian, wind; Illuminaria, light; and Tartarus, Dark. The people Erathia were well known for building strong fortresses and weapons. People from Farraige harnessed the ability to soothe any wounds and could raise any fallen brethren. People of Pyro had near superhuman strength and the passion to try to overcome any obstacles therefore constructing the most ferocious and feared army of all. Those from Aerian flew high amongst the clouds and had a vast knowledge of most things in the world; they were revered for their military tactics. From Illuminaria the people were all wealthy and clean, they were isolationists and didn't war much with any other countries but still had a deep inborn hatred of those from S who were masters of the night, and well trained assailants who mostly hunted political figures in other countries who were cruel and unjust to help liberate any suffering people. Those from Tartarus were looked down upon due to their sneakiness and developed the stereotype of underhanded thieves who were just scum, when really they were the kindest and most helpful of all people and if you were ever lucky enough to run into one, if you're not in their clan, then you would most likely have been in a life or death situation in which they helped you out of.

Alas, the gods continued their war for two-hundred years and eventually their powers began to dissipate, so they decided to rebirth themselves on Terra as people with an amplified control of the elements in which they were blessed. The gods had decided that they would continue to war on Terra but would need to make their physical bodies stronger than their enemy so they would win and after the war would end leaving one side of the counterparts alive for each element Terra would live under those elements abilities, for example if Pyro won their war then Farraige would lose all elemental use therefore most would face extinction due to a lack of clerics. To create what the gods wished they had joined all their powers to make the ultimate god named Isabella. Isabella saw the gods selfishness and decided that their bodies would have a curse, they would be reborn after every century passed to return Terra to a normal balance to where life would once again flourish and the war would continue until one of the gods mortal alias' realized that they are warring for no just reasons and confronted Isabella to replace her and rule over Terra as the god of his element in his own plane and his counterpart in the other to create a type of "afterlife" for the people of Terra to live in all Eternity.

The gods were given a ranking due to what their plain, if they were to become gods once again: at the bottom was Earth and Wind; Fire and Water; and at the top Light and Dark. The names of the aliases were Misty for Water, Brock for Earth, Skylar for Wind, Sarah for Fire, Lance for Light, and Leo for Dark

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