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Skylar stirs softly in the hospital bed. A soft voice from the side says, "Ma'am, are you coming to?" She stirs a little bit more in her bed and opens her eyes slightly. All was dark around her and she asked the voice, "I-I can't see anything. What happened to my sight?"

"Oh, I'm really sorry about that. You have a bandage over your eyes. We didn't know what all happened to you so we tried to protect you from any possible danger. I'll take the bandage off now." He stands up and starts to gently remove the bandage. Skylar opens her eyes to a man with short brown hair. He has a soft smile and wearing a white t-shirt and blue slacks. She sits up and smiles. "Such a nice boy is sitting beside my bed. What's your name?"

"My name is Lee. It's nice to meet you Ms. Uh."

"My name is Skylar."

"That's a pretty name."

"Thanks, Lee. Well, Lance must have gone off for some reason. I need to find Leo and get his help."

"L-Leo, is he your boyfriend?"

"Hah, he's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend that will help me out in a tight situation like the one I'm in now."

"Oh, well when you get back maybe we can go on a date?"

"If I make it back safely I'll go on a date with you." She stood up from the bed and stretched a little bit. She kissed Kyle on the cheek. "I hope I'll see you again." She walks out of the hospital and grows her wings. She jumps into the air and flies off across the sea. She arrives at the center of the town in Tartarus, and walks up to the big house and knocks on the door. Misty opens the door and greets Skylar. "Uh hello, who are you?"

"My name is Skylar. I need to see Leo. I need his help."

"Okay, come this way please." Misty steps out of the way of the door and walks Skylar down the hall and under the stairs to where Leo is. "Leo, this woman needs your help. She says her name is Skylar." Leo stands and walks over to Skylar. He gives her a quick hug and says, "Skylar, it's good to see you again. Skylar this is Misty, Misty this is Skylar. Skylar visited a lot when we were little kids. She was adopted by a wealthy family and traveled a lot to each continent. We later found out we were both gods. So Skylar, what do you need my help with?"

"I need your help tracking down Lance and stopping him from becoming the ruler of all Terra."

"That sounds easy enough. Let's think for a second. Lance is an evil man, but he fights with honor at least. He'll never kill an enemy that can't fight back, so there is a chance that he went back to your home town."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because you were wounded, and he needs to kill you to get his full powers. He wouldn't hurt you if you couldn't fight back so he's waiting for you to go and get him."

"That's a really good chance. Will you help me fight him?"

"Well, actually that battle will be between you two. When I fight Lance it will have to be a fight for elemental existence."

"What? Sarah and Lance will kill me in an instant."

"No, I will be fighting Sarah. I need to kill her as a key to my powers. I had a dream last night and he killed Brock, didn't he?"

"I don't know. He left before I came to."

Misty interrupts, "Yeah, I had a dream that a man with brown wings died."

"Well, that means Lance helped me to getting my full powers, but I assume he has two of his artifacts. Before I fight him I need to gather two of mine."

"Alright let's go get your two artifacts and we'll be on our way. Although, how do we get them?"

"That's just like you, Skylar. You're always eager to rush into things without really knowing what's going on. Well, the first artifact we will get is the one in Titania. After that we'll have to sneak past Lance and Sarah to the shrine on Aerian."

"Alright let's go." Skylar places her fist in her hand, and walks out of the room. Leo looks at Misty and says, "Let's go, sweetie." He stands and places his hand on her back as she walks out. They leave the mansion and walk to the port town on the edge of Tartarus. On the way through the town a familiar young lass approaches Misty. It's Alexandra and she has a boy next to her. The boy was wearing a black jacket that was open and fluttered in the wind. He had a black shirt and blue slacks on. His hair was a dark brown, short, and combed back. His eyes were also a dark, deep brown. "Hello Misty, how have you been lately?"

"Oh, Alexandra, I've been well, and what about you?"

"I've been doing really well. This is Steele , he's my boyfriend and so very sweet."

"Oh, congratulations Alexandra, me and Leo are doing really well." She puts her arms around Leo's and squeezes tight. "Well, it's been real nice to see you Alexandra, but we're going to Farraige for Leo. Maybe we'll see each other again."

"Oh, so you're going to Farraige too?"

"You're going to be on the boat too?" The girls squeal and rush off to the boat dock. Leo smiles and steps up next to Steele who is looking off to where the girls ran to. "Well, let's go before the boat goes off." Leo says walking forward as Steele gives a silent nod. "You don't talk much do you?"

"No, I don't talk much at first." His voice was deeper than expected. They walk forward, buy a ticket, and board the boat. Alexandra, Skylar, and Misty share a room and Steele and Leo share a room. After the ship sets off Steele and Alexandra lay on the deck watching the clouds. "Steele, I thought you said you hated the sunlight."

"Yeah I do, but for you baby I'll put up with it." The two kiss. Skylar is sitting up in the crow's nest and Leo and Misty are sitting on the edge of the boat watching the sun reflect off the water. Misty lays her head on Xavier's shoulder.

When the group reaches Farraige the first place they head is the inn. Misty greets Mrs. Katie right after they walk through the door. "Girl, it's been so long since we've seen you. Did you have fun in Tartarus?"

"Yes, this is Leo."

"Why, hello there Leo, it's nice to meet you." She shook hands with Leo. Alexandra and Steele rent a room and Leo, Misty, and Skylar leave and head off for a shrine. "So Leo, where is this shrine?"

"When I was here last I found it under the jail. We will need to find the secret passage in one of the cells." The three head off into the jail and into the last cell at the end of the hall. Leo presses a brick at the very top of the wall and a passage opens under the bed. When they get down there Leo instructs Misty to step on the circle in front of the water goddess statue and chants. A blue ring appears around Misty for a quick second and a piece of armor emerges from the statue. Leo puts on the armor, which is black with a gold trim, and a long black cape. The three leave and board the boat and set sail for Aerian.

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