Final Showdown

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Leo awakens softly by a small light shining in through the window. He peers out the window at the beautiful sunrise, the red colliding with the blue making a wonderful mesh. Misty steps up behind him and wraps her arms around his waist. "It's a beautiful sunrise isn't it?"

"Yea, I used to watch the sunrise from the bridge in Farraige every morning. It actually does look different in some places."

"Oh, how does it look different?"

"Since there isn't as much moisture in the air the ground looks dry and the sunrise looks stronger. It's beautiful, but it gives you the feeling that something big is about to happen."

"Well, we do have that fight with Lance today."

"Yea, I hope nothing bad happens."

"I'm sure we'll be alright, but for now let's go downstairs and get breakfast." The two go downstairs and sit at a table next to the window. Leo orders ham, sausage, eggs, biscuit, and a sweet tea. He puts his chin on his fist and looks outside the window pondering his dream. Misty makes her order and studies the expression on Leo's face. She finds herself beginning to more admire his strong yet soft charm. She also finds herself admiring his looks than pondering what's on his mind. His eyes shift towards her and he looks right into her eyes. "What is it?" She asks startled. "Our food's coming." The waitress walks up to the table and starts setting the food down. "Thank you." Leo says quietly as he picks up his fork and slowly eats his food.

"Leo, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well you haven't really said much, are you nervous about the fight?"

"No, I had a dream last night and I've just been trying to find out what it meant."

"Oh, was it about the note you got?"

"Yeah, I saw a man in black on a snowy mountain. He clutched his sword shouting at a figure when the answer came to him he said. 'It's pointless to fight.' So does he mean fight this war that the gods are fighting?"

"Wait, are you using that as an excuse to get out of the fight?"

Leo looks up at her, "There is no reason I would ever run from a fight. I just want to know why the gods wage this war."

"Because it's our fate."

"I don't believe in fate. I believe in happenings set forth by actions."

"So, what do you think will happen if you figure it out?"

"I feel that if we do figure it out it'll all be over."


"No more fighting, no more war, no more elementals."

"That's what you want?"

"Yes, I'll do whatever it is to stop all this fighting. I'd sacrifice myself to bring everyone else happiness and peace even though I believe in no such thing as world peace."

"That's a noble cause, but I don't think you should go about it that way."

"I'm not saying I will, just that I would."

"Alright, as long as your not going to do anything irrational."

"I won't, and for today let's just worry about the fight."

"Alright." The two finish their breakfasts as Tom comes in.

"Morning you two. The wagon to the castle is waiting for us. Have you made all preparations?"

"Yes sir, I'm ready." Misty stands and grabs her staff.

"Uh, yeah I guess I'm ready to go." Leo stands calmly and has a neutral emotion on his face.

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