Town of Assassins

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Leo and Misty are walking through the forest and talking to each other to pass the time. As they pass a river they both hear a sound from somewhere in the distance. "What was that?" Karen asked as she raised both hands in front of herself for defense. "It's my welcoming party." Leo replies with a chuckle. Leo softly pushes Misty back and jumps to the right as four kunai dart down and insert into the ground. Leo turns around and his body is once again shrouded in a black mass then disperses as quickly as it came and reveals a black bandana, his facemask, a white shirt, and black silk pants. He jumps back to dodge another barrage of kunai. One more Kunai came from the trees towards Leo. He jumps back doing a back-flip and kicking the kunai into the air. As it falls back down he catches it and throws it quickly through the center of a tree, knocking it down. Four men jump from the tree as it was falling. "Glad to have you back chief." One man dressed in white says. "Yeah, did you defeat the 'Satan of the Sea'?" Another man dressed in green asked as he crossed his arms. "Yea, he was a bit of an annoyance at first but once I found his weakness I took him out easily." "Hey, look at this guys, boss brought home a sexy lady. You brought her home to add another good looking piece to the rest of the girls we've captured?" Leo's face hardens and becomes serious. "First, she is a girl not an object. Second, who… on Terra… told you… to KIDNAP GIRLS?!" Leo's shouting is frightening that millions of birds flew from the trees. "Wow, his anger is apparent and he could probably scare away a lion, but it is sweet that he is standing up for me and the other girls." Misty thinks to herself. "B-boss it was some man, he came in with blonde hair looking like a general in our army. He came in with a few other guys that looked like sergeants in our army." One man in blue replies, frightened. "Take me to him." Leo says tersely.

The group starts to lead Leo and Misty towards the town. Leo's anger continues to grow, and his right arm catches fire with a black flame. "That must be one of his powers." Misty thinks to herself. She walk up next to Leo, wraps her arms around his left arms and looks up at him with her soft eyes looking like they are crying. "Please, don't do anything irrational Leo."

"Don't worry about me. I won't be the one in pain, he will."

"I know, but I don't like senseless killing."

"Senseless? It isn't senseless. He took over my village disguised as one of my generals. The worse part of it is, is that he is capturing women for reasons I don't want to think about, or I will release a rage so fierce not even the gods would want to stand in my way."

The group arrives at the entrance to the town and Leo pushes the two large, wooden doors open with a slight shove. He marches up to the mansion in the back of town, hesitates as if he about to do something bit, then calmly knocks three times on the front door. A woman battered and bruised opens the door. Leo, whose head is hung low, raises one hand. "Uh, sir, may I help you?" Leo looks up and lowers his hand. "You're lucky you aren't one of the men that are keeping you here, if you would be so generous, please step aside." The woman stepped aside and a small bit of hope glistened in her eyes. Leo gets to the big door leading to the main room in the mansion and once again calmly knocks on it. One man opens the door. Leo, seeing that it is a man this time, raises his hand and a black ball forms in front of it and blasts the man back.

A man sitting in a large chair on a platform stands up and laughs. "So, you are the mighty chief of this village?" Leo's arm burns even stronger indicating that his anger has increased profusely. The man jumps down from the chair and approaches Leo. "Who are you?" Leo asks in an aggressive tone. "My name doesn't matter. I know you'll kill me, I'm no match for a god." Leo looks up real quick. "How did you know my heritage?" The man in blue asks surprised, "You are a god?" Leo answers solemnly, "Yes, I am the reincarnation of the god of shadows. I figured it out when I picked up a book that some scientist had thought was the beginning of the world. He was right, and I have inherited all the powers I was supposed to. Since I am one of the top ranked gods I got my powers really quickly. Back to the real reason I'm here, why did you kidnap the girls?" The man laughs loudly as if Leo had done something really stupid. "I captured them because the king of Illuminaria wanted the people of Tartarus to look bad. Besides, what better way to hit them than at the center, the revered hero, Leo? You saved everyone in this village once from a wave of monsters that emerged from the volcano."

"Please, I'm getting annoyed at all this talking. I just want to kill you and save the girls from your torture." Four men drew spears and aimed them at Leo. Leo raised his right arm across his left should, went down in a diagonal line and a wave of black fire flew out and burnt the four men. Leo dashed at the leader and placed his hand on the man's forehead and shouted, "Ich verfluchen Sie, mit schrecklichen Alpträume um Ihr Leben hier und jetzt beenden!" Translated into: "I curse you, with horrible nightmares to end your life here and now!" The man falls back onto the floor screaming at the top of his lungs. The man struggles for a minute and goes limp on the floor. Leo walks over and gets the keys from the man's pocket. He walks over to the woman that greeted him at the door handed it over and said, "Here, free your friends and any other girls that aren't and go back home." The girl smiled as a tear came from her left eye. She wrapped her arms around Leo, buried her head deep into his chest, looked up at him and kissed him on the cheek. She ran off into the basement and Leo turned around to the four men and Misty, "Men, we are all done here, you may take your leave. Misty, I will show you to your room for the night." The men walk out of the door and hold the door open for the rest of the women on their way out crying tears of happiness. Leo and Misty walk upstairs and he opens the first door on the right. "Here is your room for tonight. If there is anything you need, just come get me. I will stay in the master room; it's behind the staircase and down the stairs." Misty enters the room and Leo shuts the door behind her. She sets down her rucksack and lays her journal out on the table.

"Yesterday, I didn't get a chance to write because of some crazy happenings on the ship. First, we were attacked by a giant squid named Kraken. Second, I fell overboard and Leo rescued me. Also, that is the name of the winged man. I will never forget even if we are separated, 'Leo' the god, and the man I love.

Today, we got to his home town which is where I found out he was a god. We arrived at his giant mansion and he killed these men that had captured girls and enslaved them. It shows just how kind and courageous he is. Right now I have to sleep in a different room than him, but some way I will find a way into his room to sleep in his warm, loving embrace. Tah tah!-Misty."

Misty lies on the bed and tries to fall asleep. She keeps thinking about Leo and can't get a bit of sleep. She lies on her back staring up ant the stone ceiling thinking. "How about I just go down there and say I was afraid being in a new place all alone." She gets up and stumbles for the door. She opens it and is relieved that the hallway is lit by candles along the walls so she can find her way to his room. She tries to sneak down the stairs as if not to wake up Leo. She hesitates a moment and thinks, "Why am I sneaking around? He did say if I needed anything to find him after all, I guess I just don't want to seem like I absolutely need him." She approaches his door and slowly pushes it open. She walks quietly over to his bed and gently nudges him. "Hmm?" He moans sleepily. "I'm a little scared being in a new place and sleeping all alone. May I sleep with you for tonight?" He moans softly and slides over to give her a place to lie down. She lies down on the bed and curls up close to him. "I'm cold." She whispers, lying because she just wants to feel his arm around her. Her lie works and her grabs her around the stomach and pulls her close. "Finally, the warm embrace I've been looking forward to so much." She thinks to herself. Before she has any time to think anything else her eyes close and she begins to sleep soundly.

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