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Chapter 1

Numb. That's how he felt, comfortably numb. No one visited him in this foggy, white paradise aside from Sophie. He liked her mainly because she looked like Angela but more so that she believed that he could get better. The drugs were annoying though, that's the only thing he hated here: all of these people coming into his cell talking and touching him, injecting drugs into his shoulder after unbuttoning part of his straight jacket. He hated them, how dare they break through the fog.

Someone enters quietly, small steps get near him and a soft hand rests on his shoulder shaking him gently. Sophie? No she isn't this gentle...

"Mr. Jane?"

He doesn't react figuring that this is just another nurse. Maybe if he ignores her she'll leave him alone. Her hand goes through his hair ruffling it a bit. He knows she just wants him to do something.

"Patrick. Come on now. Please."

She pulls up a chair and sits facing him. He's surprised that she isn't a nurse in the first place, she's a cop. She looks beautiful and fierce, her hair is dark brown and she has green eyes that have seen too much. She must have a rough past...

The woman crosses her legs and looks irritated, her eyes judging him.

"I'm not leaving if you're thinking that."

" I can tell you won't."

She blinks at him.

"So you do talk."

"What's your name? And where is Sophie?"

The woman frowns.

"I'm sorry but Sophie isn't coming back."

"Where is she?"

"Inside a federal prison, aside from that how is your condition? Would you be able to handle me talking about your wife and daughter?"


"I'm taking you away explanation or not."

"My wife and daughter are dead...why are you here anyway!? Go away!"

She gives him a sympathetic smile.

"Mr. Jane, your daughter isn't dead."


"Do you remember my brother Will? He had a divorce and he turned to you for 'guidance'. I ran into you a few times, you always had tea before you did a read on someone. So when I heard what happened I looked into it."

She leans forward in her seat.

"That girl you saw with your wife? Her name is Amber, long story short I arrested Sophie who turned out to be one of RJ's many girlfriends. Apparently Sophie has always wanted a kid so RJ made a deal with her: he wanted to kill your family and she would give him a clean get away as long as he gave her Charlotte. So she took Amber and they switched the girls."

Jane is speechless, Charlotte? Alive?

"I'm taking you into witness protection because your life and her's is at risk until we catch him."

"I don't believe you. Your lying."

The woman shakes her head and turns to leave the room. She talks to him in a smooth, calm voice.

"Haven't you ever wandered why they drug you here? Could it be that Sophie was afraid you knew the difference so she made sure to keep you drugged down?"

It's when she's in the doorway that he finally agrees to go with her. Exiting the building they reach a black van with an Asian CBI agent waiting for them.

"Mr. Jane this is Agent Cho, Cho this is Mr. Jane."

"Common, we need to get you out of that straight jacket."

Cho opens the trunk to reveal some shirts and then leaves the two to themselves.

"Hey do you think...?"

"Oh yes of course."

She goes to unbutton his straight jacket, it takes her a while but she finally gets it off. He's putting on a shirt when he notices she's looking.

"So do you like what you see?"

"Don't think of it like that. You're a conman you might make a break for it."

She's trying to ignore the fact that she's blushing.

"So what am I a prisoner?"

He sits in the front seat while she takes the driver seat. He can hear Cho smirk behind him as they pull out into the road.

"If you run then you will be."


"So...tell me about her. Is she...okay?"

"She's safe and right now that's all that matters."


"It took us a while to determine who would watch over her for the time being and Grace and Wayne volunteered. They're good agents and parents so it seemed appropriate."

They reach a red light and Jane finds himself becoming more and more anxious. He's practically on the edge of his seat by the time they arrive.

Grace and Wayne introduce themselves to Jane who is only listening halfheartedly looking around for his daughter. This still felt like a dream to him, maybe a drug overdose? He turns to Wayne.

"How is she, what's her condition?"

"Well, she's mentally blocked out what happened so-"


The front door swings open and Charlotte races towards her dad ramming right into him. He embraces her instantly almost afraid that if this is a dream, he'll wake up.

"Have you met Miss Tess today?"

She points to the brunette standing behind him.

"Oh yes I did."

Charlotte beams at him.

"She got rid of the bad guys."

"Hey Charlotte I have a question for you."

Alright, this is it. If she answers correctly then he isn't dreaming.

"What do I tell you every night when I tuck you in?"

It takes her a while to think about it.

"...You are safe, you are loved and you are wise."

Oh my god...this is real. She's actually here. Grace suggests that they should watch a movie which makes his daughter ecstatic and he watches as his little girl toddles off into the house.

"Go ahead and cry."

Sure he's hurting but he won't let that show.

"What? Aren't you going with them?"

Tess just shakes her head no.

"I'm bad with relationships I can't really do the 'friend' thing. Besides I have a lot of paper work to do so I'll focus on that."

This is the first time he fully seen her. Teresa, what a name. The read is a sad one though.

"Teresa you've been alone all your life due to your abusive father and the fear that if you let your walls done you'll be attacked. I think that maybe instead of spending a lonely night doing paperwork you should come inside with me."

She hesitates a little her walls already going up. He can't give up though, not after all she's done for him. It's time that he repay the favor.

"Thing is I'm busy and-"

"Your my bodyguard right?"


"So how do I defend myself if you're not with me and right now I'm going into the house?"



Well you'll get more of Charlotte in the next chapter(depending on if you all want me to continue this story, it's really just an experiment.) but I hope you liked it!

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