Chapter 3

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         Where's the stake? I opened my eyes. I saw Austin's arms around my waist. My head rested on his shoulder. I searched for the stake,but couldn't find it. He must have thrown it. 

        Wait, Austin is hugging me. He is hugging me. Why?? I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Why are you hugging me?" I asked as I pulled away.

         "Oh ummmm no reason. We should get going. They aren't very patient," he replied. I sighed and followed him.


       "We've been walking for aaaaaageesssss," I whined. My feet hurt. We ran half of California and I got tired so we are currently walking.

       "Stop complaining." he growled. We aren't the happiest couple if you can even call us that. The past 3 days have been a drag. We past this shack and I instantly stopped. Help. I stiffened and sniffed the air.

         "What are you doing," Austin asked confused.

          "Some ones in there," I said as I stared at the shack.

          "So," he said "Let's just keep moving." I took one step close to him but quickly stopped. Don't leave.

           "They need help," I said as I started to walk over to the shack.

             "Stop," Austin ordered. I didn't listen and walked to the door

               "Jean!" he growled as he quickly ran behind me. I heard screaming and busted the door open. I saw a man in a black coat, a man and woman dead on the floor, a little girl and an older girl in the corner of the room.

          The guy turned to me. He charged at me and I charged back. "Jean! No!" The guy pushed me to the wall and crushed me. I shouted in pain. 

         "Wow your beautiful. I'm actually sorry I have to kill you, but you already saw to much," I kneed him in his crotch and punched his face. Austin pushed his stomach and I kicked his face. He clawed my arm as he fell.

          I hissed in pain and broke his head off. Austin burned his body with fire. That was easy. I rushed to girls aid. "Are you okay?" I asked them.

          "That was awesome," the little one said.

          "Your my hero," the oldest ons cried as she hugged me tight. "I'm Waver and this is Sara." I nodded. "Thank you," she cried.

           "WAIT WERE YOU THINKING!!!!!!" Austin shouted.

           "I heard some one calling for help so I came," I hissed. Pain filled my arm and I growled.

            "Your hurt," he said concerned.

              "I'm fine-"

               "See if you were to listen to me you wouldn't be hurt."

                "If I listened to you they would be dead."

                 "So a death of 2 Vampires wouldn't change anything. We are wasting time!!!!!"

                 "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!" I shouted in anger. "You cone to kill me but then you don't,  I try killing myself but you stopped me, you help me kill that guy, I have a cut and your freaking out about. Why does it matter I'm gonna die anyway."

          "Let's go the vampire council are waiting," was all he said. I growled and ran out. " JEAN YOUR GOING THE WRONG WAY!!!!"

            "Jean don't go," I heard Sara cry.  

            "Please wait," Waver called. They were chasing me.

            "Jean!" Austin shouted.

            "Leave me alone!" I yelled back at him as I turned my head to look back. Austin was real close and was followed bye Sar-

             "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I shouted as I stopped running. I slowly turned to see a huge sharp branch pierced my stomach. I couldn't move. I was losing a lot of blood.

           "JEEEEEEEAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Austin shout. I pulled the big fat branch out and fell on the floor. I felt arms catch me before I hit the ground and the shocks told me it was Austin.

        "No! No! No! Please Jean! Jean!" I was quickly swallowed by darkness.

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