for you

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ein kleines Update auf english falls jemand das nicht versteht und die Geschichte trozdem lesen will sagt mir bescheid dann übersetze ich es.
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I woke up with his arms wrapped around my waist. I loved waking up like this. I loved to feel the heat of his body close to mine. I loved to feel his breath in my neck. And the way he placed sweet kisses allover my face. I loved the way he caressed my hair with his gentle hand. I loved the way he cupped my head right before he kissed me. I felt his warm breath against my lips and my heart went bananas. I loved every single word he ever said to me. Everytime he told me that he loves me i fell a lil more for him. I coudn't get enough of his words and I never got used to them. He made me feel valuable he made me feel like I'm the only one in his heart. I gave him my soul, my body and even my heart. He owned it. He treated me like the most precious thing in his life. He gave me everything I ever wanted: love and attention.When i woke up covered in tears cuz i had a terrible nightmare he made me sit on his lap while he wrapped our blanket around us. He wiped away my tears and told me that everything is fine. I snuggled up to him and suddenly fell asleep with my head rested on his chest. As soon as i fell asleep he lifted me up and layed me gently in our bed. He caressed my cheek and whispered that he will hold me tight the whole night just to keep me save. And so did he. Forever he said. And rightnow he is gone.
I cried a long time and i'm still not over this. I think about us often. The day he left us was the worst day in my life. I remember every second of it. I remember how he hugged me tight. The way we shared our last kiss. The way he told me that he loves me for the last time. We tried to keep contact but we're not allowed to. So we gave up on it. I saw him on Tv and IG often. His smile is a blessing and i'm happy to see it again. But otherwise it's killing me. Cause i miss him so much and i don't know if he misses me too.
But today i'm gonna see him again.
We sat on our chairs. I wore the Jacket wich he gave to me before he left us. He won an award and walked on stage. It was the first time i saw him. I think he even got more handsome since i saw him the last time. He stared at me while he started talking.:" Thank you so much for all your votes. I feel grateful to be here today. But i wanna tell u guys i'm actually really sad cuz since i left Exo. A part of my heart left too. I lost my brothers and with em my friends. And i lost one special person. I'm used to call him my boyfriend and i hope he stil is. But i don't know cuz our entertainment didn't allowed me to be in contact with the love of my life. But right now he is here too and i just want to tell you that i miss you every day and i love you more than words can say. Would you mind coming on stage sweetheart."
I stood up and walked on stage.  Only a few meters seperated us. Every step felt like hours. It felt like someone stoped the time. Every step i came closer to him made my heart beating faster. Finally, he stood infront of me. I stared on the floor as i felt his soft hand on my chin. He made me look into his eyes. I missed them so much. He smiled at me. Our faces where so close that i could feel his breath on my lips. He touched my cheek with with his hand and pulled me into a tight hug. My tears started running down my cheeks. I missed him so much. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me as close as possible. He cupped my face and came closer. I didn't cared about the audience. I didn't cared about all the cameras wich recorded everything. I just saw Tao. He closed his eyes and so did i. I felt his soft lips on mine. He played with my hair and pulled me even closer. He deeped our kiss and i returned it. I felt his warm tounge on my lips. I missed this feeling so much. It was just a short kiss but filled with feelings. As we seperated he smirked and whispered into the microphone:" i love you baby". Our foreheads touched and i replied his words.
I turned around to the audience. Fans were screaming and clapping. Tao hugged me from behind while he kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and melted like chocolate in his arms. I let out a soft moan as he sucked at my neck. He chuckled and whispered :" baby i wanna make u feel good.". I smiled and amswered:" never leave me please i need you." He united our fingers and whispered against my ear:" never ever." Right after he lifted me up and carried me backstage were he hugged me again. He was all i ever wanted and right now our realationship is offical so no one could ever change it. I took his hand and pulled him closer. My tears runned down my cheek cuz i had to many feelings. He wiped them  and told me that he is here. As he did  it before he left. For a moment it felt like always. He united our fingers and we walked straight to the other EXo members. They were happy and waited for us. Tao hugged everyone. Suddenly i felt two arms around my waist and it werent Taos cuz he stood in front of me.I turned around and saw Luhan's face. I broke down in tears one more time.I hugged him and so did he.  I missed him so much. After our hug he went to welcome the others. I saw Kai close to me and i was so excited so i just pulled him into a long hug. He chuckled and i knew that he was happy. I seperated our bodys as i heard Tao screming. I turned around and i saw that someone lifted him up and hugged him tight. He wrapped his legs around  the other ones waist. The boy turned around and i was able to see his face. It was Kris. I started screaming and runned to them. Just to wrapp my arms around Kris. Our moments of Joy got interupted by our manager. He tried to get Tao, Kris and Luhan away from us but we took them by the hand and screamed out.Our fans clapped and screamed stuff like "let them be together" or " we wanna see 12 happy members" So our manager stoped and went away.
Finally we arrived in our dorm. Suho threw his Keys to Kris. He took them and unlocked the door. He smiled and said:" It's been a while.". Tao lifted me up and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him i was so happy to have him back. He nibbled at my ear and whispered:" should we go to bed." I chuckled and nodded. He carried me in our room bridal style and layed me gently in our bed. "How long will u stay by my side?" i asked him. He crawled on top of me and said:" forever.". While he said this he smiled at me in the most beautiful way. I removed his shirt cuz i wanted to feel the heat of his perfect body. He gained some weight so i wasn't able to see his rips anymore. He removed mine as well. I pulled him down for a kiss wich he acepted. He kissed me softly and i returned within seconds. He deeped our kiss and i opened my mouth. Our kiss turned into a passionate make out secion. And it felt like the first time. I missed him so much and i still love him the way i did before, or even more. He pulled away and started to kiss my neck. He caressed my soft skin with his fingertips while he sucked at my Jawline .  He left marks and lovebites allover and i was just happy. He kissed me one more time before i wrapped my arms around him and pulled him as close as possible. My head was snuggled up to his chest. And he buried his left hand  in my hair. The right one was around my waist to keep me close. He kissed my forehead and whispered:" sleep well my love. Saranghae" I cuddled even closer and replied:" wo ai ni". I felt his smile on my forehead as i fell asleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night and my bed was empty. I paniced cuz i thought that he had left me once more. I broke down in tears and cried out his name. Some seconds later someone opened my door and i saw Tao. He sat on the bed and made me sit on his lap. He wrapped my blanket around us and pulled me close. He placed kisses on my forehead. :" where have u been?". He kissed me one more time and whispered: " i was thirsty  so i went to the bathroom to get some water.". He layed me in our bed and covered me with our blanket.I crawled on top of his body. And he hugged me tight. It felt like  a year ago. He protected me and gave me all his love.
"Tao, wo ai ni"

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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