Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Jessie’s POV

I hate Mondays. In all honesty, who doesn’t?

If you look around the school, everybody looked like a zombie. Well, maybe except for the principal who always had a smirk on his face seeing students go through hell for 7 hours each day; also, those popular chicks who wear too much make-up which adds to the effect of the whole zombie thing going on.

Also to add to the, “Why I Hate Mondays” list, I have two tests (which I did not study for); and three projects to submit (which I did not do either). I mean, I could’ve made a stupid excuse not to go to school. But no I had to force myself. God, I am stupid sometimes.

So I guess this means, my free time will be spent in the library and I will not be eating for 7 hours. But then I didn’t have breakfast. So let’s make that 8. Yay! I’m going on a diet! Called, “What happens when you fall asleep at 8 in the evening and wake up to the sun rising” diet. Just great.

I walk to my locker and open it to grab everything I’m gonna need for the day. Since I’m gonna have to spend every single minute on making stupid projects and studying.

I grab two of the heaviest books in my locker, which is my History and Physics book and shove it in my bag along with all the coloring papers and materials in my bag. I put my bag on my shoulders and the weight is killing me. I sigh and slam the locker door shut to find Calum leaning against the locket next to me. He greets me and says, “You need any help?”

“Thanks for the help but, no thanks. I think I’m good.” I say and walk away from him to head to my first class.

Calum grabs my wrist and I look back at him and sigh. “I’ll talk to you later, okay? I just wanna head to my class and maybe sleep for a few.” He lets go of my hand and I continue walking away. Mondays.


Lunch time is usually a time to spend for eating and talking to your friends; but in my case, it’s not.

I was working on my second project while studying for the History test. I also snuck in a granola bar to keep me alive. I quietly cursed at the glue stick for being a horrible glue stick because the damn picture wouldn’t stick.

When it finally did, I praised Jesus and moved on to my last project for the day: a fucking collage on musical instruments of the past and the present and how they’re the same.

To be honest, Music class would’ve been a breeze if we just learned how to play a certain instrument; but then we had to learn about Music around the world and the different types of styles on how they write music. I mean, I’m not trying to be rude or anything but, I don’t really care about writing Indian music.

“You need help?” A familiar voice asks. I look up from the blank piece of paper to find Calum smiling at me.

“Oh, you again.” I say. “I think I need help.”

“On what?”

“Well, you could either do this collage for me.” I say showing him the multiple pictures of instruments that I’ve printed out. “Or, you could tutor me for the history test while I work on the collage.”

Calum grabs the seat next to me and clears the table before grabbing my History book. “I think I’ll go with the second option since I didn’t study for the test either.” Calum says.

“Alright then.” I say before I start working on  the stupid project once again.

There was a few minutes of silence before Calum said, “Alright! I’ll test ya. Is that alright?”

I nod my head and he looks at the book once again before asking me a question. “It’s about World War One. Just saying. Okay, which country made the first declaration of war?”

“Austria? Yes? No? Maybe?” I ask.

Calum laughs at me and says, “Yeah. It is.”

The rest of the lunch period just went by like that; then the rest of the day and it was time to head out of school. To say that I was happy is an understatement because I just want to eat a ton of food right now.

When I was walking out, someone called for my name and I turned around to find Calum pushing through the crows of students. He went up to me and said, “So, do you wanna like, grab some food or something? And then maybe we could study for the Math test tomorrow in the bookshop?”

“Sure. I would love that.” I say and we both walk someplace to get some food.

A/N: Yoooooooooooo. I’ve updated once again! Yay! And that is because it is Christmas break and…yeah. I don’t have to go to school. So praise Jesus. And just so you know, I don’t really know what exactly Australians study so I just made all that shiz up (with some experiences of mine as well). Okay. Bye!

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