Intercontinental Championship Ladder match

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The Story: At the Royal Rumble, Finn Balor captured the WWE Intercontinental Championship from John Cena, and every since that day, he has defended the title successfully.

The next following month after Fastlane, Dean Ambrose would deliver a Dirty Deeds to the champion, staking his claim to the title. Roman Reigns would then show his interest in the Intercontinental Championship, by hitting his Tag Team partner with a Superman Punch.

It wasn't long until other competitors such as Brother Nero, Shelton Benjamin, Apollo Crews, Seth Rollins and Marcel Green, would stake their claim as well.

It was then announced that Finn Balor would defend his title, in an eight man Ladder Match. Can Finn Balor overcome the odds and retain his title?


Finn Balor

The Shield

Apollo Crews

Brother Nero

Marcel Green

Shelton Benjamin

The match: The competitors then begin to get into an all out brawl, before trying to obtain a Ladder. As all of the competitors go to the outside, Brother Nero and Dean Ambrose begin to trade punches with each other.

Dean Ambrose tries to hit Nero with a Clothesline, but Brother Nero hits him with a Dropkick. Brother Nero then grabs a Ladder, and he attempts to climb it.

Shelton Benjamin then sees Brother Nero climbing the Ladder and he stops him from going higher, by pulling him down. Shelton then hits Brother Nero with a Enziguri, sending him to the outside of the ring.

Shelton Benjamin then gets a running start, and he dives over the top rope and onto Brother Nero. Marcel then gets in the ring, and he hits a Suicide Dive on to both Benjamin and Nero. Roman Reigns then sees all three men on the outside, and he leaps over the top rope, landing on them all.

Finn Balor then follows up by flipping over the top rope, onto Roman and the others. Apollo Crews then does a flying Forearm, while Dean Ambrose does a Suicide Dive, and they both land on the other competitors.

Seth Rollins then climbs a Ladder on the outside, and he performs a Diving Cross Body, landing on the other competitors. Seth then goes into the ring, and he begins to climb the Ladder, but Finn Balor stops him.

Finn then rams Rollins head into the Ladder and he hits him with a Pele Kick. Balor then climbs up the Ladder, but he is then Powerbombed to the mat by Apollo Crews.

Apollo then goes to the outside and he sets up a Ladder in between the apron and Barricade. Apollo then gets in the ring, but he is then confronted by Dean Ambrose.

Apollo then hits Dean with an Enziguri, but Dean then rebounds off the ropes, and he hits Apollo with a Clothesline. Ambrose then begins to climb the Ladder, but Apollo meets Ambrose halfway and they trade punches with each other.

Apollo then forces Ambrose down from the ladder, and he tries to grab the championship, but Dean Ambrose pushes the Ladder forward, sending Apollo through the wedged Ladder that was set up earlier.

Dean then sets up the Ladder in the corner, and he focuses his attack on Seth Rollins, Seth Rollins then kicks Dean in the gut, and he hits a buckle bomb on Dean, sending him into the Ladder.

Roman Reigns then hits Rollins with a Spear, and he begins to go on a rampage. Roman begins to hit Spears on all of the competitors, including Spearing Brother Nero in mid air, and Spearing Marcel Green through the Barricade.

Roman Reigns then tries to climb the Ladder, but he is then stopped by Shelton Benjamin, who hits him with a Paydirt from the top of the Ladder. Brother Nero then hits Shelton Benjamin with a Chair and he hits a Twist of Fate, slamming Benjamin on the Chair.

Marcel then hits a Razzle Dazzle on Nero, and he brings out two Tables from under the ring. Marcel then sets up the two Tables near the entranceway.

Finn Balor then hits Marcel with a Ladder, and he hits the Shotgun Dropkick. Finn Balor then places a chair on top of Marcel and he prepares to hit the Coupe De Grace, but Brother Nero throws a Chair at Balor's face.

Brother Nero then grabs a Ladder and he places it on top of Marcel, Brother Nero then hits a Twist of Fate on Balor, and he places him on top of Marcel and the Ladder.

Nero then goes to the top rope and he hits a Swanton Bomb on to the two competitors. Shelton Benjamin then begins to climb the Ladder, but Dean Ambrose stops him. Ambrose then takes out Shelton Benjamin, with a Dirty Deeds from the top of the Ladder.

Seth Rollins then climbs the Ladder, with Apollo Crews on his trail. They then both grab the title, and as a result they begin to hang from 20 feet in the air. Rollins kicks Apollo off of the title, causing him to crash to the canvas.

Roman Reigns then climbs the Ladder, and he faces Rollins. Roman then hits a Spear on Seth Rollins, from 20 feet in the air, sending both men to the mat. Finn Balor then begins to climb towards the Title, but Brother Nero pushes the Ladder, and he makes Finn Balor fall through the two Tables at ringside!

With no one in sight, Brother Nero climbs up the Ladder, and he unhooked the Championship, winning the Match.

Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion: Brother Nero.

Hey guys, what a spotfest! What was your favorite part of the match? Comment and let me know!

Thank you for reading and I will see you soon!

Peace and Love

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