Dolph Ziggler vs Shawn Michaels

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The Story: At the Royal Rumble, Dolph Ziggler addressed the WWE Universe on his plans for WrestleMania. He decided to challenge Shawn Michaels to a match at the Showcase of the Immortals.

Ziggler explained on how he Idolized Shawn Michaels, as a young boy growing up. He simply wanted to know if he can hang with and possibly defeat the Showstopper, in a match.

On the following Smackdown Live, Shawn Michaels came to the ring and accepted Zigglers Challenge. Ziggler is in for a match like no other, he is going up against Mr. WrestleMania in the biggest match of his career! Will he prevail?

Dolph Ziggler

Shawn Michaels

Tale of the tape
Dolph Ziggler:
Height: 6"0
Weight: 221 lbs
From: Hollywood California
Signature Moves: Heart Stopper, Famouser.
Finishing Moves: Zig-Zag, Superkick.
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, Intercontinental Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, United States Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion.

Shawn Michaels:
Height: 6"1
Weight: 225 lbs
From: San Antonio Texas
Signature Moves: Diving Elbow Drop, Flying Forearm.
Finishing Moves: Sweet Chin Music, Figure 4 Leg Lock.
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, Intercontinental Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, European Champion, Light Heavyweight Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion, 1995, 1996 Royal Rumble Winner.

The Match: As Dolph and Michaels stare each other down, The WWE Universe are split down the middle of who to root for. Shawn and Dolph spend 10 minutes trying to get the upper hand, but neither is able to.

Shawn hits Ziggler with Knife Edge Chops to the chest in the corner. Shawn then focuses his attack on Zigglers knee, hoping to wear him down.

After 5 minutes of wearing down Ziggler, The Show Off hits Michaels with a Dropkick,   from out of nowhere. Ziggler then quickens the pace, keeping Michaels grounded.

Ziggler tries to throw Michaels over the top rope, but HBK holds on. As Michaels skins the cat, Ziggler is caught by Shawn's legs . Shawn flips Ziggler over the top rope, sending him to the floor.

Shawn then climbs to the top rope, and he hits a Moonsault on Ziggler. Shawn then places Ziggler back in the ring. As Shawn grabs Ziggler, he is hit with a DDT that catches Shawn off guard.

Ziggler then quickly goes for the Heart Stopper, hitting elbow after elbow on Shawn. As Ziggler prepares to hit the Zig Zag, Shawn counters it and he hits a Flying Forearm on Ziggler.

Michaels then kips up, but Ziggler catches him with a Famouser. Ziggler goes for the cover, but Shawn kicks out at two. As Shawn goes into the corner, Ziggler tries to hit a splash, but he accidentally hits the referee.

Shawn then hits Ziggler with more Knife Edge Chops, before tossing him out of the ring. Shawn and Ziggler then trade fists with each other on the outside.

Shawn then throws Ziggler into the steel steps, making him crash into them with great force. Michaels then drags Ziggler towards the base of the steps and he hits him with a Piledriver, on top of the stairs.

Michaels then makes it back into the ring and he wakes the referee up, the ref begins to count Ziggler out. As Ziggler sitrs, the ref begins the 10 count. Ziggler makes it back at a count of 9, saving the match.

Michaels then tunes up the band, preparing to hit Ziggler with Sweet Chin Music, but Ziggler counters it into a Zig-Zag! Ziggler then attempts to hit a Super Kick on Shawn, but HBK grabs his foot, and he attempts to trap Ziggler in a Figure Four. Ziggler reverses it into a small package, but Michaels kicks out at two.

Ziggler then traps Michaels in the Sleeper Hold, but Michaels flips Ziggler over, and he hits him with a sudden Sweet Chin Music! HBK then goes for the cover, but Ziggler kicks out at two!

Michaels then goes to the top rope, preparing to hit an Elbow Drop on Ziggler. Ziggler leaps up to the top rope, and he hits Michaels with a Facebuster.

Ziggler then feeds off the WWE Universe's cheering, and he begins to tune up the band. Before Ziggler hits the Super Kick, Shawn counters it into the Figure Four Leg Lock.

After two minutes in the hold, Ziggler reverses the pressure on Michaels, forcing him to break the hold. As both Michaels and Ziggler get to their feet, Ziggler hits a Super Kick on HBK. Ziggler then covers Michaels, but HBK kicks out at two.

Ziggler and Michaels then trade Knife Edge Chops with each other, hoping to get the upper hand. As Ziggler tries for a chop, Michaels ducks underneath and he hits him with a Back Suplex.

Michaels then goes to the top rope, and he hits the Elbow on Ziggler. Shawn, exhausted, tunes up the band and he hits a thunderous Sweet Chin Music on Ziggler.

Shawn goes for the cover, but Ziggler kicks out at two and a half! Michaels then prepares to do it again, but Ziggler ducks underneath, hits him with a Super Kick of his own, and he finishes it with a Zig-Zag! Ziggler then covers Michaels and he gets the three count!

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Hey guys! What did you think of this match? Comment and let me know!

Thank you for reading and I will see you soon!

Peace and Love

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