John Cena vs Craig Chandler

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The Story: Craig Chandler has been on a meteoric rise since 2012, becoming one of the most popular Superstars in WWE history.

On an episode of Smackdown, Craig Chandler challenged John Cena to a match at WrestleMania, to which Cena accepted. Over the weeks, Craig showed his disdain for Cena, mainly because he believed that many people like him had their careers crushed because of people like Cena stealing the spotlight.

Cena would then respond by telling Craig that he hated him as well, stating that he his the most self centered man in the company. Craig and Cena would get in a brawl, as their disdain for one another boiled over. Who will win in this battle of Veteran vs Rising Star?

Tale of the tape

John Cena
Height: 6"2
Weight: 250 lbs
From: West Newbury Massachusetts
Signature Moves: Five Knuckle Shuffle, Springboard Stunner, Thuganomics Destroyer.
Finishing Moves: Attitude Adjustment, STF.
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion, United States Champion, WWE Universal Champion, 2008, 2013 Royal Rumble Winner, 2012 Money In The Bank Winner.

Craig Chandler
Height: 6"3
Weight: 236 lbs
From: Atlanta Georgia
Signature Moves: Southside Elbow, Phoenix Splash.
Finishing Moves: Mac Daddy Spinebuster, Macdallion.
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion, United States Champion, Royal Rumble Winner, Money In The Bank Winner.

The Match: Craig and Cena begin to tie up and Cena traps Craig in a headlock, wearing down the brash one. Craig then hits Cena with elbows in the midsection, forcing the realease.

As Craig tries to build momentum, Cena catches him with a Dropkick, to the amazement of everyone. Cena then hits Craig with a multiple Powerbomb, hitting the number at four.

Craig then goes to the corner to catch his breath. John runs over towards Craig, but Craig elbows him in the face. Craig then rolls over the back of Cena and he hits him with a German Suplex. Craig goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out at two.

Cena then rolls out of the ring, but Craig leaps over the top rope, catching Cena with a Leg Lariat. Craig then throws Cena into the ring steps with great force, causing the steps to come apart.

Craig wastes no time getting Cena back into the ring to continue the punishment. After 10 minuets of Craig wearing down Cena, Cena bounces back and he hits him with a Hurricarana followed by his Comeback move.

Cena attempts the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Craig, but Craig pops up and he hits him with a snap Powerslam. Craig then goes to the second rope, and he hits his Southside Elbow on the back of Cena's skull.

Craig attempts the Mac Daddy Spinebuster, but Cena counters it into a DDT. Cena quickly hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle and he stalks Craig for the Attitude Adjustment. Cena lifts him on his shoulders, but Craig flips off of them and he hits Cena with a Dropkick.

Craig then mocks Cena's "You Can't See Me" taunt and he tries to get Cena to his feet, but Cena, from out of nowhere, hits an Attitude Adjustment on Craig. Cena goes for the cover, but Craig kicks out at two.

Cena then goes to the top rope and he attempts a Leg Drop, but Craig Moves out of the way and he hits a Neckbreaker on Cena. Craig then goes to the top rope and he hits him with a beautiful Phoenix Splash. Craig then goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out at two.

Craig them stalks Cena for the Mac Daddy Spinebuster, but Cena counters it into a Guillotine Choke. After being locked in the hold for one minute, Craig Chandler hits the Mac Daddy on Cena. Craig goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out at two.

Craig then puts Cena on the top rope and he joins him up top. He then hits a Super Mac Daddy on Cena, from the top rope! Craig then goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out at two and a half. Craig, in disbelief, wonders what can he do next? Craig tries to Clothesline Cena, but Cena ducks out of the way, and Craig hits the ref instead.

Craig manages to hit Cena with a hard forearm to the jaw, and he leans on the ropes. Craig tries to knock Cena over the top rope, but Cena catches him with a devastating  AA, making Craig crash onto the Camera man on the outside.

Moments later, the referee wakes up and he begins to count Craig out. Craig barely breaks the count at nine and a half, but he is unable to make it to his feet. Cena mercifully hits an Attitude Adjustment to Craig and he gets the three count.

Winner: John Cena.

Hey guys, what did you think of this match? Comment and let me know!

Thank you for reading and I will see you soon!

Peace and Love

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