At Home

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Elizabeth's Pov

Chloe was still nowhere to be found. I decided to miss school today; I couldn't think straight, I was so worried about my sister. I decided to lay down in my room. I thought about what happened between us a few hours before she left to go the mall with Briana.

I could replay the scenes in my mind, "Chloe! You need to take care of Bryan, so I can go get pizza with Dylan later." "Umm no! I'm going to the mall little girl!" "First of all, I'm not little I'm fourteen, and second, you go to the mall like every weekend, would it kill you not to go today?!" We were both standing up arguing with each other "Awe, what's wrong can't stand not seeing your boyfriend?" "He's not my boyfriend! So shut up!" "You know you like him Lizzy!" "You know what? Whatever! Yes, maybe I like him a little!" "I knew it!" "So? You're still going to watch Bryan!" "No, I'm not!" I shoved her hard, she fell to the floor. She got up, and punched me hard in the gut, and then she kicked me in the shin. I hunched over in pain. "Yeah, you should go take care of Bryan!" "I swear! I hate you!" She looked at me, and said "I feel the same way!" I slapped her before walking back into my room, and said "B***h!"She just rolled her eyes, and then called me a whore.

Why? Why would I say I hate her! I love her so much! I wish I could take it back! "Chloe, wherever you are, I'm very worried about you! I love you, and hope that you're okay! Please be okay!" I sat on my rug and practically bawled my eyes out.

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