Exchanging Information

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Briana's Pov

Cop: So, does anyone know what happened?

"Well after we left the food court, Chloe told me a man was looking at her. I never really got a glimpse of him though. We went shopping through stores when we saw him again. I had to go to the bathroom. Halfway there I saw a lot of people running my direction. There were two guys fighting, basically the whole other side of the mall had left. When I walked back over Chloe was gone, and so was that man."

Cop: "What did the man look like?"

"He was white, had blonde long hair, about mid twenties. Blue eyes, was kind of skinny looking, and about 6'2"

Cop: "Good! I'm %95 sure that whoever that man is, has something to do with Chloe's disappearance. 

 "You're welcome." I turned, and saw Bryan, and Lizzy crying a little. Chloe's mothers pregnant belly was getting bigger, but it sucked that Chloe might not be able to see her new baby brothers birth.

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