Part 4

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The next morning, I was sat in the nursery holding one of my sons and I was staring at him, just taking in the innocent beauty that all children seem to have. I was thinking hard about what had been said the night before, remembering the faces of the people that, before yesterday, I called my friends; they looked scared, concerned and, by the end of the evening, hopeful.

I hadn’t remembered anything else since the fleeting memory I had of Fred and my OWL results but, for some reason, I trusted these people and I’d decided that I would try to remember and maybe think of some way to jolt my memory.

I could then, perhaps, remember who did this to me and land a punch right in their face.

“Are you ready to go?” I looked up to see Fred standing in the doorway holding one of the boys (I can’t tell them apart so it’s a good job Fred can) “Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny are waiting in the Leaky Cauldron.”

“Yeah; my trunk is-”

“Waiting with the others” he smiled “now come on, you all have to get to the station before eleven.”

I nod “are you coming to?”

“If you’d like me to” Fred replied.

“Sure” I shrugged “if that’s what you want to do then you’re welcome to come.”

“Great” he grinned as he held out his hand automatically before remembering and dropping it to his side.

I sighed as I looked at him; he looked like a little lost puppy so I held out my hand to him. Fred looked a little confused before smiling again and taking it. “Where’s the other baby?” I asked as we stepped out into Diagon alley “You said we have three, right?”

“Erinny? She’s with Ginny” he replied, leading the way to the leaky cauldron.

Everyone was huddled around one of the long tables in front of the bar, cooing over Erinny who was in Hermione’s arms. “Ooh!” Ginny said as we walked up to them “pass me Grey.” She was looking straight at me so I assumed that the baby I was holding was, indeed, Grey. I passed him over.

“Now, come on” Mrs Weasley said with a smile “you lot have to be going; Arthur’s taking you.”

With a groan, Ginny passed the baby over to her mother before turning to her trunk which Mr Weasley was already picking up. “Come on, the taxis are waiting outside. Grab something and follow me.” He instructed.

I picked up my trunk and started to heave it after the thin, balding, man and then as I was pulling it, it became lighter than a feather and I ended up falling face first onto the floor. I looked up, frowning, to see Fred hurrying over. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you fall; I cast a spell so that it would be light and I guess my timing was pretty bad.” He helped me back to my feet.

“I’m fine” I told him “so I guess it doesn’t matter; thanks though.” I gave him a small smile before picking up the trunk as easily as it had been a piece of parchment and headed outside.

Once the trunks were loaded into two taxis we all said our goodbyes. Fred looked pretty funny with one baby seated around his front and another seated on his back, both in holders. Mrs Weasley had traded Grey for Erinny and was holding the baby to her front. “We’ve informed Dumbledore on the situation” she told me “and he said that he’d keep an eye on you although I think that your father will ensure that you won’t be bothered again.”

“Thanks Mrs Weasley” I replied, although I didn’t think that I really needed watching; I could look after myself.

“I’ll stay in touch;” Fred told me “I’ll write you about the babies but you don’t have to write back if you don’t want to.”   

“You can tell me about yourself too, you know” I told him “you know, so I can get to know you again.”

He smiled at me before embracing me in a short, awkward hug. “I’ll do that” he promised.

When we crossed the barrier in Kings cross to platform 9 and ¾ I realised that I didn’t recognise most of the people who were on the platform although most of them, it seemed, knew me but I didn’t mention anything until we were on the train and halfway to Hogwarts.

Ron and Hermione were off doing prefect duties and Harry was admiring his Quidditch captain badge when I turned to him and said “Harry, did we have a ‘thing’ at some point?”

“What?” He looked at me, frowning “not really though there was something during our second and third year but nothing really happened.”

“Why didn’t it work out?” I asked.

Harry shrugged before saying “you fell in love with Fred.”

“And does he-”

“Yeah” he smiled “he loves you.”

“He loves me.” I muttered. I couldn’t see myself falling in love with anyone let alone someone falling in love with me. I’m broken, a shattered piece of glass that’s near impossible to put back together. “I don’t understand” I admitted “why does he love me?”

“Lilly” Harry sighed “you’ve never been able to understand why people like you because you can’t see what you do to them. You’re something I’ve never seen before, you pull people together in the way you speak and think; you’re clever, even more so than Hermione, and the fact that Snape raised you and you’ve turned out to be a really nice person, helps people to respect and, well, admire you.”

“Admire me?” I repeated before snorting “seriously, Harry, I think that you must have hit your head too.”

“It’s true, whether or not you want to believe me” he smiled “but then you’ve never been able to see how amazing you are.”

“I still can’t get over the fact that Snape is my dad” I replied “is that serious or were you all just playing me?”

“Well, Snape took you in just after you were born but the Malfoy’s are your blood family; Draco is your twin brother.”


“Yep” Harry nodded “it sucks for you but he’s usually ok to you but I reckon he’s the one that made you forget most of us.”

“I’m going to kill him” I growled “if what you’re saying is true then Draco Malfoy’s days are numbered.”

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