Part 10

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“Where were you then?”

I was sitting in dads chambers, cross legged on the sofa, waiting to hear his excuse as to why he missed his grandchildren’s first Christmas. “I was on a mission for the order” he replied “I’d told you that. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make Christmas.”

“You couldn’t get away for an hour?” I asked in disbelief “it was their first Christmas and you weren’t there!”

“What did you expect me to do?” Dad asked, raising his voice “tell the dark lord that I couldn’t meet with him because I had to pass presents around with my grandchildren and my daughter?”

“So it’s true” I stated “you are one of them.”

“Lilliana” he said in exasperation “you know that I have to meet with him; my position with them is important and my mission with the order banks on that.”

“Did that also involve making the unbreakable vow with Narcissa Malfoy?”

Dad looked at me in shock as he asked “how did you know about that?”

“Harry heard you talking to Draco” I replied.

“Potter” he hissed. “Lilly, I am going to confide in you some information that you are never to repeat.”

“Do I have to make the unbreakable vow too?” I asked

“No but if you do repeat this then everything the order has worked for would have been in vain. Do you understand?” I nod. “Ok; The Dark Lord has given Draco a mission and his mother was worried that he would not succeed and so I made the vow to help him if he should need it.”

“And what’s the mission?”

Dad stared at me for a moment or two before saying “to kill Dumbledore.”

“What!” I shrieked “are you insane? No!”

“Calm down!” He instructed “Lilliana, Dumbledore isn’t ignorant to this; he knew that this would happen sooner or later and he wants me to do it. He doesn’t want Draco’s soul to be destroyed and commit murder would do just that. I am not going to murder Dumbledore, Lilly, do you understand that? We have an agreement, one that was made before this school year began and he made me promise that it would be me ending his life.”

“But he’s going to die?” I whispered. When dad nodded I asked “when?”

“Before the school year ends.”

“But it can’t be that simple” I replied slowly “there must be something you’re not telling me. Please tell me.” I begged.

“He’s been cursed” dad told me after a minute or two of silent deliberation “I managed to confine the curse to his hand for the time being but it won’t last very long. Either way, Lilliana, he will be dead before the end of term but doing it this way preserves his dignity.”

My eyes involuntarily began to water. Dumbledore had been, by far, the greatest man I ever knew and his loss could fracture Hogwarts. “But your reputation?” I whispered.

“Is far less important at the moment” he replied “it is more important for the dark lord to trust me, do you understand?”

“And so Professor Dumbledore is willing to sacrifice himself just so Voldemort trusts you?”

“It’s much more than that. Albus is trying to buy Harry time; these lessons he’s been having with him are preparing him for the year ahead. Harry must understand everything before everything falls apart. I’m afraid, Lilly, that I can’t tell you anything more on that subject but understand that everything that is happening and everything that is going to happen is for the good on the Wizarding world.”

The knowledge that dad had entrusted me with was very hard to keep to myself but I’d not uttered a word to anyone and, even though it was still niggling at the back of my head, I’d tried to push it to one side and get this year over with.

“Awh” I smiled at the terrible card that had been delivered to me at breakfast. It was handmade by the triplets, meaning that the front was just full of mindless scribbles, but inside was a picture of Fred who was sending me one of his stupid winks.

“Happy Valentine’s day, the entire clan are thinking of you” Hermione read out loud “that’s nice” she smiled and then turned to glower at Ron who was receiving a recited Valentine’s Day message from Lavender. Much to my surprise she didn’t say anything.

Later that evening, as I was getting into bed, I received a letter.


Sorry I couldn’t spend today with you but I do have something special planned for you when you come back in a few weeks.

Love you lots.


PS, I beat my high score on that mobular thing you gave me!


Sometime ago I’d decided that, when I left school for good, I would educate Fred on how to use Muggle electronics. I’d already tried teaching him how to text, lending him one of my old mobile phones, but all he seemed interested in was playing Snake and he’s just like his dad. He got way too excited when he reached a score of 8 before the snake ate its own tail.


I hope you haven’t been neglecting your children whilst playing on the mobile (not mobular) phone.

I can’t wait to see what you have planned; I hope you haven’t gone to too much trouble though!

Love you more, always.



He’d gotten quite good at working a television though I’d be worried if he hadn’t considering how much time we spent hauled up in my bedroom watching DVD’s. I wonder if he’s told Arthur.

A commotion down in the common room met my ears. “Stupid boys” I muttered as I sealed my letter up and send it with the owl Fred had used…before…

“Ron’s in the hospital wing.” Hermione shouted, making me jump as she hurled herself through the dormitory door.

“What?” I blinked at her. “That was you making all that noise downstairs?”

“Yeah” she panted “but shut up, it’s Ron; he’s been poisoned!”

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