Going "home"

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Damian pov

I am going home. All will be well. I tell myself that hundreds of times during the flight, but I am still frightend. I try not to think about the punishment I am definately going to reseve. Mother looks very happy to have me back. I know father didn't look this happy when he got me. Perhaps mother was right. Perhaps they really didn't care about me. Unfortunatly, I do still care about them.

'Is something wrong my son?'

Mother asks while we are on the plane. Private, naturally.

'Why do you want me back mother? Why am I suddenly so important to you?'

'Oh my foolish little boy. You always were important to me.'

'Then why did you...left me with father?'

Her face shows disgust. Not a very good look for her, but she quickly fixes that.

'That was a mistake. You have clearly grown weak. We'll need to fix that. I left you with him because you were in danger. It took longer than I hoped to make it save again, but it is now. You'll be home again.'

'I liked it in gotham mother. I liked...having a family.'

'Yes, but they didn't treat you well, did they? They made fun of you. They treated you like a pest. Your own father didn't even want you. I am the only one that cares for you my love. Don't worry. In a few weeks you wont even remember their names.'

I look outside of the window and try to not think about that. I don't believe her. Sure, they make fun of me, a lot, and they never actually show that they care, but they do. I...think they do. Argh, why is this "love" thing so hard. Do I love them? I don't know. I always thought my mother loved me, but in Gotham I experienced something else. I do not know if it was love or something else, but I do love my father, I do love my brothers. Yes, I think I might even love Drake. Or at least I don't hate him. Not much. Dear god I want to go home so badly.

Tim pov

There's a silence in the house. We got home, treated our wounds and went our own ways. I was fine untill I saw Maya. She looked at me pleading. Asking me where her favorite boss was. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I went to my room abd cried for that annoying little demon bratt. I know I'm always mean to him. I know I always make fun of him, but I love him. I do. He's my little brother. My only little brother. He went with his mother because I was down. I was to weak. To weak to fight for my own little brother. I'm pathetic.


Dick opens the door and stops in his track. He smiles sadly at me. He comes and sits beside me and pulls me into a hug.

'It's gonna be okay Tim. We're gonna get him back.'

'How? You know Thalia will make sure Damian hates us. She'll turn him against us. We...I should've been a better brother. I shouldn't have teased him so much.'

'Tim, Damians cares for us. That's why he went with Thalia. Now it's our turn to take care of him. We'll kill every assasin in our way to get to him and ones we get him back, we'll show him we love him and everything will go back to normal.'

'We can't fight the entire league. There are only four of us.'

'We'll find a way. We'll have to. For Dami.' 

Jason pov

Tim is right. We were bad brothers. Specially me. I always teased him. I honestly always saw him like a burden, but now... I want him to shout at me, I want him to be angry at me, I want him to stab me with a fork, I just...want to hug him. I never hugged him. Not ones. Why did I never hugged him? Why did I never showed any affection towards him. He tried. He always tried. I just never saw it. I never wanted to see it. I didn't want to get attached. We always knew Thalia would come for Damian. Maybe Tim didn't, and Maybe Dick didn't want to think about it, but me and Bruce always knew. What do they say? You only know that you love someone when you lose them? I never thought that was true untill now. Dammit! I will rip that bitch apart for hurting my little brother.

Bruce pov

I don't think I've felt this angry since Jason was killed. How could she? She knows I love him. Sure, I didn't want to take him in at first, but I do want him back now. She had no right to take him. He's my son and he wanted to stay. He said that himself. What to do? I should know. I am Batman after all. Argh, I can't think. Why is love so hard? Why does it always hurt? I'm scared to think about what Thalia will do to my little boy. 

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