An unexpected gala guest

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Damian pov

I detest parties. I truelly do. Infortunatly, father forces me to go. I even have to wear this ridicules suit. Grayson said I looked adorable so I will strangle him after the party. It has to be done.

'Come on Dami. It's over before you know it. Just smile.'

'Why? So father looks good?'

'Yes little demon. The happier we look, the better Bruce looks.'

Drake glares at Todd, but he is right. If we look like happy children, father will look like a good father. Todd never looks happy, Drake is very awkward and Grayson is always flirting. That means I have to play the sweet and cute child. I detest being sweet and cute. You can not kill someone by being sweet and cute. If that is possible, I will have to learn it, of course.

'Masters, I will wait in the car incase any of you wish to go home. Go have fun now. Your father will be waiting.'

When we get out of the car Drake suddenly stops. I frown at him. 

'What is it Drake?'

'What do you think Alfred does when we leave him all alone in the car.'

'Watching Victoria, who cares. Come on.'

Todd pushes us foreward. Normally I would stab him with something, but there are camera's everywhere so I have to smile and look cute. Not that it is hard, I know I am adorable. I just do not like it when people call me that. It makes me want to kill people. The gala has already started. Men walking in suits and laughing and woman walking in dresses that show to much skin. I see my father on the other side of the gigantic room. He is, like always, surrounded by flirtatious woman. I do not understand why they tried. He already had a child with another woman. 

'Will you be okay on your own Dami?' 

I look at Drake. Todd and Grayson are already gone and clearly Drake does not want to babysit my.

'Of course. I do not need your assistance Drake.'

He nods and walks away. Now I am all alone. I decide to start with some refreshments. The food here is quit good. With the league I always had to wonder if there was any poisen in my food. The next hour I just stand in the courner and watch the people. My father is populair, of course. Grayson is also constantly talking. I can't see Todd anywhere and I lost sight of Drake as well. 

'Hello there my love.'

I stiffen. No this can not be. I turn around slowly and look straight at my mother. She has a smile on her face but her eyes are cold.

'Mother. What brings you here?'

'You of course my darling. I haven't seen you in so long. It is a mothers right to see her child.'

'You dumped me. You got rid of me.'

'To protect you. Damian, you are my son and I love you. It was not save for you with me, but your grandfather has been gone long enough and his enimies have no grudge against us. You can come home now.'

For a moment I do not know what to say. Go...home?

'What about the league rules. I have been gone for a long time and...'

'Yes, you will have to go trough a small punishment, but only if you don't come with me right now. Then we will be able to live like we did before, together.'

She kneels down to my hight and puts a hand on my cheek. I freeze even more. I don't like it when people touch me. Mother knows this.

'I...I can not just leave father or the others.'

Her looks turns dark. I fear my mother. She is the scariest woman I know. I have a feeling this night is not going well.

Tim pov

I hate parties. Not as much as Damian does, but still a lot. I just hide in the courner and look at the party guest. Everything is fine untill I see Damian freeze up. There are to many people so I can't see who he's talking to, but he looks pretty shocked. I frown and don't notice that Jason is now standing beside me.

'What're you looking at nerd?'

'Damian. Look.'

He looks at Dami and frowns to. Suddenly there's a hand on Dami's cheek and we finally see who he's talking to.

'Oh shit. I'm going to get Dick. Get him away from her.'

Jason says while running towards were Dick is. I run towards Dami and push him behind me so I'm standing between him and his mother.

'Thalia. I didn't know you were invited to this party.'

Thalia glares at me and I hold Damians arm behind me. Where the hell are Dick and Jason?

'Drake, I was talking to my son. Did my love not teach you maners? If you could step aside now...'

'Thalia, how great to see you again.'

Dick pushes me back so there are now two people standing between Thalia and Damian. Jason grabs Damians arm and puls him further away. I follow and I can hear Dick talking to Thalia. She can't do anything here.

'Dami, are you okay?'

I try to ask him, but he looks to shocked. I can understand. Alfred is still waiting and when we get out of the building he opens the door for us.

'Was it fun young masters?'

'No. Thalia is here. Call Bruce. We have to get home.'

We quickly get in the car and Alfred drives away.

'What did she say little demon?'

Jason ask. Not as hard as normal. He probably sees that Dami is really shocked.

'She...She wants me to come home. Back to the league. I...I said no. I said no to my mother.'

Jason and I share a look. This is bad. If Thalia wants Damian back, she'll do everything to get him. She's Thalia Al Guhl.

'I've never said no to my mother before.'

'Don't worry Dami. It's a good thing. You're changing.'

'Mother will force me to go back. It's league tradition to go through punishment if you have been gone for a long time and refuse to come back. I...I do not want to be punished.'

'No one is gonna punish you little demon. She'll have to go through us first. That's what family is for.'

Damian looks at us suprised. He's still not used to affection. Jason is right though. Thalia is not getting past us. Dami is our little brother and he's our responsibility. When we arrive at the mansion we wait in the living room for Dick and Bruce. Alfred said they left ones they got rid of Thalia. Finally they're back.

'What did she say?' 

Bruce immediatly asks. He looks really angry. Guess that happends when you run into your ex at a party. 

'She wants him back with the league. If he'll go back he'll be punished.'

Jason says. Damian looks pale and still shocked. Bruce sits down deep in thought and Dick sits down besides Dami. He looks at his youngest brother with a sad look. 

'What are we going to do? She will come for him.'

I ask. Bruce shakes his head. 

'If she comes will stop her. I won't let her take you Damian. I won't let her make you an assasin again. You belong here.'

Damian just stands up and walks upstairs. I frown. He's taking this harder than I expected. Guess I can't exactly say I've been through this before. I do know that we'll have to fight the entire league. Thalia knows where we live and who we really are. She could even use that agaisnt us. I sigh. Guess we're going to war then. Joehoe.

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