Greater Demon Ruin

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As the team of Shadowhunters entered an abandoned factory, Alec couldn't help but notice the burn on Echo's arm.
"What happened?"

Echo glanced down at her arm, "Your arrow grazed me." Echo's voice was low.

The conversation was cut short as Jace spoke.

"Magnus's lair is right behind that fence."

Clary stepped forward, "Magnus lives in a warehouse?"

"Not exactly."

Isabelle held up a hand and looked around, "Something's wrong. It's far to easy to get this close."

Alec looked down at Clary, "Don't get in the way," Then he looked at Echo, "Either of you."

Clary narrowed her eyes at him, but Echo could hear the slight seriousness of safety in his voice. Echo gave a nod and Clary just looked away with attitude.

Movement caught Echo's eye and she saw two men fighting, until one man cut the other with a blade.

"Valentine found Magnus!" Clary shouted as she ran toward the two men.

Alec and Echo ran in one direction while Clary, Isabelle and Jace ran in the other.

The weight of the Seraph blade was heavy in Echo's hand and when she looked up from the blade, Alec was gone.
"Alec." She kept her voice low.

Echo turned to a noise and expected to see Alec, but a man dressed in a black suit and a Circle rune on his neck stood with a blade in his hand.

"Echo Fairchild. Valentine would be so please to know that you are alive."

Echo held out the dim Seraph blade, and the Shadowhunter gave a chuckle, "Is that it? That blade doesn't even respond to you."

Echo felt a sudden familiarity and she swung the blade toward the man. He blocked her swing and was on sudden alert. He swung his blade toward her and was satisfied when the blade made contact with her skin. Echo's arm bleed where she was sliced, but she hardly felt anything.

She used that moment of weakness in the Shadowhunter's attention and plunged the dim blade into his chest. Alec chose that moment to rush into the area Echo was at. He was shocked at the way she was looking at the Circle member as she killed him.


Echo turned her attention to Alec and pulled the Seraph blade out. The man fell to the ground and Echo retracted the blade into the handle. She was suddenly aware of what she did and looked down at the man. Her headache was seriously catching up to her and she stumbled slightly.

"He's dead."

Alec lowered his bow, "He is. We have to go." His voice was tender but urgent.

Echo nodded and followed Alec. Alec had noticed the cut on Echo's arm, but he didn't have time to put a rune on her, and she didn't seem to mind it at the moment.

Alec drew his bow back as they entered a decorated area and shot at a Circle member who was tormenting Magnus. Magnus then used his power to push the man back.

Alec dropped the bow, "Well done."

Magnus turned and his expression changed when he looked at Alec, "I'm Magnus Bane. I don't think we've been formally introduced."

Echo gave a small smile as she realized that Magnus was flirting. Alec adjusted his bow, "Alec. We, uh, should really be--" Alec stumbled over his words.

Magnus smiled, "Right, we should be joining the party."

Alec gave a soft reply and stalked out of the room with Magnus and Echo following.

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