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Echo slowly made her way into the control room with the help of the wall. Magnus's potion had knocked her out for a few hours. Echo approached the control room and saw Lydia tapping about on the screen. Echo looked over when she saw movement and saw Alec, Isabelle and Jace in the training room. She carefully descended the steps and walked past Lydia.

"Hey, are you all right?"

Echo pulled in a breath, "Fine."

Echo pushed past Lydia but she could still feel the Envoy following her as they both made their way into the training room.

Lydia's eyes widened with a smile as she noticed Jace. She brushed past Echo and approached him, "You must be Jace Wayland."

Echo rolled her eyes at the tone she was using. Lydia went to stand next to Alec, but he was already walking over to Echo taking her shoulders into his hands.

"Lydia Branwell. You are quite the legend back in Idris."

Echo sucked in a breath when Lydia mentioned Idris and Alec noticed. Alec guided Echo so that they were standing beside Lydia.

"Don't believe everything you hear." Jace kept his voice even.

There was a moment of silence before Jace looked over at Echo.

"What happened?"

Echo felt a short burn in her chest, "The Forsaken." Echo looked into the control room for a moment, "Wait, where's Clary?"

Jace folded his arms, "She's with Luke. They are looking for Simon."

Echo's eyes went wide, "Wait, is Simon," She paused for a moment remembering Lydia was standing beside her, "Okay?"

Jace nodded, "He's going to be fine."

Lydia looked up at Alec, "Did you tell them?"

Jace and Isabelle's expressions changed, "Tell us what?"

Echo could feel Alec's nervousness and frustration, but he didn't say anything. Lydia looked at Jace and Isabelle, "Echo and Alec are engaged."

Echo's balance suddenly failed and she was falling forward slightly, "Lydia!"

Echo caught herself with much effort as Jace and Isabelle looked at the three of them with incredulous stares.

"You're not serious?" Jace looked over at Alec.

Isabelle gave a grim gaze, "You were supposed to tell them no."

Echo licked her lips, "This is all to stop Valentine."

Jace set his teeth, "Something we agree on."

Jace and Isabelle both left the training room and Echo was left with the residue of betrayal hanging around her. She looked to Lydia.

"That wasn't your secret to tell, Lydia."

She shrugged, "I thought that they would have wanted to know."

Echo pushed away from a protesting Alec, "Well you thought wrong."

Echo painfully walked out of the training room and back into her room. She pulled on Shadowhunter wear and looked at herself in the mirror. The four scars that racked along her throat created a more daunting look to her darkening features. Luckily, Echo's hair and eyes hadn't changed colours in a few days, but her mood and her abilities have been taunting her.

A shift in the air caused Echo to swiftly turn around and look at the person who had entered her room. To her surprise, Jace was standing in the doorway.

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