Total Transformation

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The Shadowhunter pushed Echo right to Valentine's feet on the floor. As Jace told his friends to get back and not to follow him, Valentine bent down to Echo. The father put a finger under her chin and forced her to look up at him. With a tone that almost reminded Echo of the black ichor that he injected her with, he spoke.

"I know about the City of the Dark, Echoella and I will come for you."

Valentine gave a smirk and stood up. He grabbed Jace's arm and pulled him toward the portal. Echo was so focused on the fact that Valentine touched her that she hardly noticed Clary try to run to Jace. Alec stopped the sister from certain death as the portal closed.

As soon as the final dash of purple disappeared, Echo felt a loss; the other half of her vanished with their monster of a father. Though her shock, Echo could hear Clary crying. It wasn't until Clary was pulled out of the room and the team was gone, that Echo felt her shock wear off.

Alec stood behind his new wife, but couldn't muster up the courage to touch her shoulder. Alec could tell that Echo was trying to organize emotions.


Echo heard his voice, but she only stared at her hands, "Alec, something's wrong."

The Shadowhunter wasn't one to add the fuel to the fire, but she could feel something very bad happening to her.

At the tone of her frightened voice, Alec walked into her eye line and knelt down, he put a hand on her shoulder and had to suppress a gasp as she raised her head. Her once stunning green eyes had turned to a startling red, to match her hair. Echo didn't try to cover her fear; it was all out in the open.

Alec put a hand to her cheek and felt that it was cold. Echo pulled in a breath of pain and as she exhaled the red of her hair began to transform into onyx black. The midnight waterfall started from the root and traveled downward, until every inch of her hair was black. Echo slightly looked down and saw the last strands change from red to black.

She looked back up at Alec and he could see her bottom lip quiver. In Alec's mind, he didn't see a demon, or a threat; he saw a person that he loved. Alec quickly glanced at the rest of Echo's body and was completely relieved to see that the majority of her ruins stayed marked on her body. Alec locked his blue-green eyes with Echo's red ones and carefully helped her to standing.


Nobody said a word on the way back to the institute, but Echo could feel everything. When the team walked up to the doors of the church Echo stood just outside of the threshold. Alec noticed her hesitation and with slow words, Alec invited Echo into the church, "Echo, I invite you into the New York Institute as," Alec cleared his throat, "As my wife."

Echo let out a breath and slowly stepped into the institute. The transformed Shadow Demon felt as if she was being pulled through tight spandex fabric. Echo walked into the Operations center of the institute and she felt as if the church wanted to spit her back out onto the streets.

Echo turned her back to the center and went to walk back out, but Alec held his hand up, "Don't leave. Please."

Echo swallowed, "I need a minute, Alec."

Alec slowly lowered his hand and Echo took a step forward, but in the next instant, Echo disappeared leaving a small trail of red light behind her.

With the sudden power that Echo acquired, she focused it all into transporting herself somewhere other than the institute. The Shadow Demon didn't go far, but it wasn't in the church. Echo walked down the path in front of the institute and noticed that her hearing and sight were more prominent. Even in the dead of night, she could still hear the rushing of the traffic from downtown and she could see the leaves sway in the breeze.

Echo pulled in a breath then slowly looked down at her arms. Her once tan skin had turned slightly ashy and the ruin's on her arms jumped out on their new background. She looked at the ruin on the inside of her left wrist and traced it. The wedded ruin. She was bound to a Shadowhunter and he was bound to a demon.

The institute doors opened and Alec called Echo's name. The Shadow Demon whipped her head around and Alec could see the shining of her red eyes. With one last look into the dark, Echo entered the institute and saw her mother floating in the center of a cleared out room. The rest of the Shadowhunters were positioned around the perimeter.

Echo slowly walked up to her and Clary handed the Book of the White to Magnus. The Warlock held the book in his left hand and waved his right over Jocelyn's body and spoke in a foreign tongue. After giving three powerful shocks to Jocelyn, the green around her faded and Luke caught her as she started to fall.

Jocelyn's movements were slow, but she first laid eyes on Luke.

"I got you."

The mother sighed his name and hugged the werewolf. Both Echo and Clary stood anxious, Echo was honestly so terrified that her mother wouldn't want to see her after she had fully transformed.

Echo could feel the tears in her eyes as Luke set Jocelyn onto her feet. The mother looked around the institute and when her eyes landed on her daughters, she hurriedly pulled both of them into a crushing hug, but when the mother pulled away, she noticed the change in Echo's features. Jocelyn's eyes went wide and Echo took a step back.

As happy as she was to see her mother again, Echo also felt afraid. She could feel the slight horror within her mother.


The oldest daughter took a step back, "Mom, I-I..." Echo didn't know what to say, but the mother had love in her eyes.

"I love you Echo. I love everything about you."

Echo let out a breath as she felt her mother's unconditional love for her daughter. The tears in Echo's eyes threated to escape and she didn't hold them back. Echo pulled in a shaky breath and let the tears fall freely as she embraced her mother. As Echo opened her red eyes, she saw Alec with a small smile on his face and acceptance surrounding him.

Demon or not, Echo was surrounded by Shadowhunters that loved her.     

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