Sent away to live with 3 Hot Guys...and they have a Secret /6/

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He slowly pulled away from me, his face still centimeters away from mine. He stared at me, and I smiled a little. "See. I didn't mean to offend you. Its just that I want to be a little more than your friend." He murmured, and I smiled slightly. "God Gracie, I can't believe you thought I didn't like you." He muttered, and I laughed.

"Well you said you wanted to be "friends", so I assumed you didn't--feel that way about me." I replied softly, and he let out a sigh. He extended his arm, and put it around me. I was a little taken back, but didn't argue.

"Um, look Wes, I don't really expect you to say or do anything. I mean, its totally cool if that--er, that kiss was a one time thing. I mean, its not like I'm going to expect---"

He silenced me with his lips, and I swear I wanted to melt into him. His arm dropped to my waist, and I entwined my fingers in his shaggy hair. He was so soft, yet powerful with his kisses. I could totally get use to this.

Damn he's a good kisser.

He suddenly laughed, and pulled back. That's when I realized he just read my mind. I glared at him, and he let out another chuckle. "Don't do that." I ordered, but his grin just grew wider. I smiled back, and playfully hit him in the arm.

He laughed, and wrapped his arms around me.

"You're something Gracie. I've never really felt this way about anyone before. I mean, I'm nervous when I'm around you. Its kind of---weird." He told me, and I felt his warm breath on my face. "I mean, when my dad said you were coming, I wasn't very excited. All humans are the same. Well, most of them. They're so full of themselves, and not able to comprehend things out of the ordinary. But you--you're different."

I smiled when he said this. "I guess I'm just a very trusting person. Even if I shouldn't be. But to be honest, I really liked you when I first saw you. Which, you probably already knew." I said, giving him a look. He smirked.

"I don't know, I'm not that great with this whole "feelings" thing. It's a little out of my comfort zone. My dad and I didn't really--talk things out. We just knew. I mean, he could read me like a book, and I could him. So it was easy. And when my mom--" I cleared my throat quickly. "So anyway, moving on, you like me?" I said, a smile playing across my lips. He grinned back.

"Yes, I do actually. You're a very lucky woman." He told me, and I scoffed at him. He smirked, and leaned in to kiss me once more. As he was about to kiss me, we heard movement outside, and we pulled apart. Wes got up quickly, and moved towards the entrance.

"What is it?" I whispered, as I stood up as well. Wes slowly grabbed the zipper, and began to pull it down. The noise was getting louder, and then it sounded like someone was--pouring something out?

What? With a jerk, Wes ripped it down, and my hand immediately flew to my eyes. "Ah! Peyton what the hell?!!" I exclaimed, as I turned away.

He was taking a piss right outside our tent! What the hell! He looked up, a little sleepily, and a goofy grin spread across his face. "Mmm, like what you see Gracie?" He questioned, and I scoffed. "My bad guys. I'm a little sleepy and didn't see where I was." He winked at me, and Wes cleared his throat.

"Get back in your tent Peyton. You're disgusting." Wes stated, and Peyton chuckled at this. "Seriously, that's nasty. Go piss somewhere else." He ordered, and Peyton zipped up his jeans.

"S'okay. I'm all done." He said proudly, then looked at me. "Night night Gracie. Hope you liked the show." He stated, and I rolled my eyes at him. He went back into the tent, and we heard the zipper being pulled up. I groaned and made a puking noise.

"Ew!" I exclaimed, and Wes made a disgusted face as well. "I never want to see--oh god I'm never thinking of this--I'm forgetting this whole night ever happened!! That is sick!" I said, and shook my head. He laughed a little, and I gave him a dirty look. He smiled sweetly at me. "How the hell can you stand living with him? He's very---open."

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