Sent away to live with 3 Hot Guys...and they have a Secret /9/

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"PARTY!" A guy exclaimed loudly, as he downed a beer in one chug. I rolled my eyes at him, as I pushed through the mass of people blocking the stairs. It was disgusting. Girls were grinding on the guys, and they were wasted out of their mind. I never really cared for parties that much, so I was going to hide up in my room for the night.

"Move!" I yelled, as I shoved a person out of my way. The guy looked at me, and then whistled. I mentally gagged as he did this. "Ew." I said to him, and he gave me wink.

"Hey baby! Want to take me upstairs and teach me a lesson?" He asked, as he licked his lips. I groaned, as I pushed him roughly away from me.

I trudged up the stairs, annoyed that Peyton just HAD to throw a freaking house party. Did I mention I hate parties? I know, I'm weird. But whatever. Guys just hit on you, case in point with the nasty perv who just tried to get me to "teach him a lesson".

I finally made it to my room, but then I heard someone call my name. I looked over, and saw Peyton walking towards me, a goofy grin on his face. "Gracie! Hold up a second!" He exclaimed, and I turned towards him. He stood in front of me.

"Killer party, huh?" He questioned, and I nodded my head slowly. I was aware that he had something behind his back, and I raised an eyebrow. He followed my gaze, and smiled slightly. "Uh, okay I'm not really good at this sort of thing. Come here." He said, as he pulled me into the bathroom.

A couple was making out, and Peyton groaned. "Out! Go make out somewhere else!" He exclaimed, and they disappeared with a glare.

"Peyton, what's all this about? What are you doing?" I asked him, and he smiled. A real, genuine smile. Not a grin, or a smirk. But a SMILE.

"I uh, I have something for you." He said a little shyly. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Its nothing big, just a little something from your favorite man." I laughed softly as he said this. He handed me a small box, and I took it slowly.

"Peyton, please tell me you're not going to try to fight over me? I can NOT take any tension between all THREE of you." I told him, and he laughed.

"Oh no, I never fight. The ladies always seem to come crawling to me." He stated, as he pushed out his chest. I laughed at him. I opened the box up slowly, and became confused.

"A key? Why did you give me a key?" I asked him, feeling very surprised.

Why would he give me a key? I mean, this is Peyton, but its still a little weird to get a key from him as a gift. I pulled it out, and it was a light gold color, small, and thin. It was also on a chain.

"Look, its not JUST a key. Its like, a symbol or something. I don't know, I saw it somewhere. And I thought it would be cool to give you. You hold the key to my heart." I giggled slightly. "Ugh, that sounds lame! I'm such a fag! It was so much cooler in the movie! Damn it!" He groaned, but I laughed and touched his arm.

"Look, it just means that if you are my soul mate, which I really hope you are, then you'll always have my heart. There, I said it." He finished, grinning. I laughed a little. "See if I ever try to do something romantic again!" He exclaimed, and I laughed once more.

He smirked at me.

"I love it Peyton. Thank you so much. I'm really surprised you did this. It's out of---character." I stated, and he grinned.

"Yeah, well there's a lot of things you don't know about my character. Things you'll soon find out." He replied, and I smiled at him. I can't believe Peyton of all people, thought of that! He was trying to be romantic with me! Awe!

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