Sent Away to live with 3 Hot Guys...and they have a Secret /4/

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Holy shit. My head hurts so bad right now! I slowly opened my eyes, and I immediately felt a surge of pain shoot through my head. I let out a groan, and slowly sat up.

I was on the couch in the living room. Everything that happened flooded back to me, and I let out a gasp. I slipped off of the couch quickly, wanting to get the hell out of here.

I made a dash for the door, but let out a scream when I felt someone's hand shoot over my mouth. I thrashed against the person, but they were so strong. I mean, they were--VAMPIRES!!! I was whipped around, and came face to face with Peyton.

I glared at him, and he looked at me with sorrow-filled eyes. "Mmmmm!" I tried to scream through his hand. He shushed me, and began to pull me back to the living room.

"Guys! She's up! Get in here now!" Peyton yelled, and I screamed once more, wiggling in his arms. He turned me around to face him quickly. "Calm down Gracie! Look at me! I won't hurt you! Just relax!" He exclaimed, and I did...for a second.

He seemed relieved for a moment, but then I brought my knee up and slammed it into his gut. He let out a groan, and released me. I used this as an opportunity to get away. I tried to dart towards the door, but somebody else grabbed me.

I screamed, and saw Logan had me this time. I fought against him, and managed to free myself.

I ran towards my bedroom, heading straight towards my jewelry box. I had no idea what was running through my mind, but my heart was beating wildly and I had to get away.

I snatched a necklace with a cross on it, and when I heard the door swing open, I held it in front of me.

"Back off Logan!" I yelled, as I held it out in front of me. He stared at the cross for a second, and then erupted into a fit of laughter. I glared at him, and moved closer to him, putting it out in front of me. "Why aren't you freaking out?! It's a cross! Runaway!" I exclaimed, and he laughed yet again.

"You've been watching way too many horror movies. That does not hurt me AT all." He stated, a smirk on his face. Breathing quickly, I pushed past him, and ran into the kitchen. I found some garlic, and Logan simply walked behind me, finding what I was doing humorous.

"Garlic! Ah-ha! Take that! Everyone knows vampires hate garlic! Stay back!" I yelled, and then Wes appeared beside Logan. Logan let out yet another annoying laugh. "Stay away!" I exclaimed, and Logan stepped towards me.

Damn you horror movies! You deceived me!!

I backed up, and he smirked. "Wow. You're going to kill me with--a head of garlic? Come on Gracie, keep trying." He stated, and I glared and turned around and snatched a bag of flour. He raised an eyebrow, and chuckled. "More food groups? Come on Grace, flour? What is that going to do?" He asked, in a mocking tone.

"Allow me to escape." I replied boldly, and he looked confused. Before he realized what was going on, I ripped the whole bag open, and flung it at both Logan and Wes.

There was a huge cloud of flower, and I shoved past them to get away. Peyton tried to grab me, but I turned around quick enough, and slammed my knee into his groin. He groaned, and returned to the floor, clutching his "members."

I flung the door open, and took off into the woods, away from the house. I heard yelling, and I took that as my cue to haul some major ass.

I nearly tripped running into the forest, but I grabbed onto a tree for support. I thought I heard running, so I sped up and bolted deeper into the woods. My heart was beating quickly, when I finally stopped running. It was complete silence around me. The only thing I could hear was my heavy breathing.

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