Sent away to live with 3 Hot Guys. And they have a Secret.../20/

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"I said let go of me! I can do it myself!" I snapped at them, as I jerked my arm away from him. The Irish guy chuckled at me, as I glared daggers at him. "I really want to kick your ass right now." I stated, and he rolled his eyes at me.

"I'd love to see you try girlie. You, a mere human, kick the ass of a powerful vampire. HA." He mocked, and I shook my head angrily. "Now finish putting the dress on, and hurry up. He does not like to wait." I groaned as he said this, and glared at both him and the other guy.

The guy with dark blackish hair smirked, as did the Irish man.

"Well, I'm not changing when you two are standing right in front of me." I proclaimed, and they both raised an eyebrow. "I need privacy if I'm going too!" I exclaimed, and they threw their heads back and laughed. "What is so god damn funny now?!" I snapped.

"You are, if you think we're just going to leave you in here by yourself. How about this, we'll turn around." They both did, and I groaned out loud once more. "Aw....sorry to ruin your little plan." The non-Irish dude said.

How about I call him dick 1. The other can be 2.

"Whatever." I mumbled, as I turned around to put the dress on that they gave me. "Asshole." I murmured, and I slowly put the dress on. It was a little revealing, but it was nice I guess.

It fit me perfectly though, and I wondered how the "master" knew MY dress size! It was a nice silk black dress. My mind started to wander, and I REALLY wanted to know where the hell the guys were.

I mean, shouldn't they be saving me by now?

"I'm done." I grumbled.

They turned back around, and I swear they both licked their lips when they saw me. I shuddered slightly. Dick 1 smirked at me. "You look absolutely stunning....good enough to eat." He told me, and I shivered.

He continued to stare at me with a hunger in his eyes, and it made me want to disappear out of sight. I finally heard Dick 2 clear his throat.

"Come on Jonathon, quit messing with her. We need to get her to the master. He'll be pissed if we keep him waiting." Oh, so dick 1 has a name? Jonathon, huh. The Irish dude walked towards me, and grabbed my arm tightly. I let out a gasp from the pain. "Hurry up now, let's go." He ordered, as he began to pull me down a hallway.

Wait, where were we exactly? I stared around as we walked through many halls. There were candles aligning each of them, and canvas paintings were up against them.

We finally reached 2 lard oak doors, and the Irish guy stopped walking. "Here we are girlie, time to go meet him." He let go of me, and I rubbed the spot he had me. I stared at the door, not wanting to go in. "Better get inside. He doesn't like to wait." He murmured with a smirk.

I glared daggers at him, and slowly twisted the handle inside. I stopped for a moment, and then felt someone shove me inside.

"Ouch! You asshole!" I exclaimed, as I turned around and glared at the now closed door. "Stupid son-of-a------" I was interrupted by a smooth, silky voice. It sounded British or something, and it was gorgeous sounding.

Why the hell are all vampires voices so....angelic?

"Thank you for the compliment, but we are far from angelic." The voice said, which caused my mouth to drop. How did he just hear that? I didn't say it out loud! "You're right, you didn't say it out loud. I read your mind." I slowly turned around to face the man.

I nearly gasped when I saw him.

He was stunning. Yes, stunning. Not handsome or hot: stunning. He was tall and strong looking, and his midnight black hair swept over his face slightly. He had the most gorgeous brown eyes I have ever seen, and his teeth were a dazzling white. I knew my mouth was open, so I closed it. He was truly beautiful. "Oh well thank you Gracie, I'm glad you think so. Although you are far more stunning then I am." He told me, as he appeared more in the light.

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