Finding Henry

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Regina knocked on the door frantically and was greeted my Mary-Margaret.
"Regina, Ellie! Hi!"
"Henry is missing!" Regina said walking in.
"I went to wake him up this morning and I saw his window was opened. He wasn't in bed and we looked all over the house" Ellie said, sitting on the couch.
"Oh hey guys!" David said, walking in.
"Henry is missing" Mary-Margaret said walking over to him.
"I don't know if he ran off or worse...if he got kidnapped" Said Regina
Ellie took Regina's hand.
"Mom, don't jump to conclusions"
"How are we going to tell Emma?" Said David
"Well we have to tell her that her child is missing" Said Ellie
"Let's go find her" Mary-Margaret said getting her coat.

"Oh mom,'re here!" Emma stepped aside to let them in. "Oh! Regina, Ellie hi"
They all went to the living room and waited for Emma to come in.
"Not to sound rude but what is everyone doing here? Is something wrong" Emma said, walking into the living room.
"Yes, Henry is missing" Ellie said walking over to Emma
"What?! Henry is gone!?"
"The window was opened in his room this morning and we couldn't find him"Said Regina
"You lost Henry?!" Emma exclaimed
"Woah, hey...I isn't lose him purposely. I'm not going to be accused-"
"Mom, she's worried that's all. Now besides fighting over what happened to Henry, we need to figure out where he's at."
Emma and Regina walked away from each other. Ellie sat on the couch and put her chin in her palm.
"There were no signs of a kidnapping or if he ran away. His things were all still there. Ugh. Who can help us find Henry?"
"Well...I know a spell that can lead us to Henry. I just need an item of his" Emma put out her hand and Henry's jacket appeared in her palm. "Now, let's go find him"

They all followed Henry's jacket for what seemed like a lifetime. Until finally, the jacket led them to the Jolly Roger.
"Why would Henry be here?" Asked Mary-Margaret
"I have no idea but we're going to find out" Ellie said walking towards the ship.
As they were walking up, Hook came to the deck and greeted them.
"Hey lads, what are you doing here?"
"Where's Henry?" Regina immediately asked
Hook looked at her in confusion and said
"What are you talking about?"
"Henry went missing this morning and we used a spell to lead us to Henry and it brought us to your ship" Ellie said stepping closer to Hook.
"Woah now, I don't have Henry"
"Then why did the-"
"Look, Ellie I don't have your brother"
David and Mary-Margaret came back on deck.
"Henry isn't here" David said walking over to the group
"But, why did the"
"Look Ells!" Hook said pointing to the steering wheel, "the jacket landed there"
Hook got a worried look on his face and looked away.
"Killian what is it?" Asked Emma
"This is bad..."
"Oh would you please tell us pirate" Regina said now getting annoyed.
"The jacket landed there and that means that Henry is in Neverland"

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