You're Mine Now Princess

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Regina slowly opened her eyes, sat up, and looked up at Mary-Margaret.
"What could it be now? It's still dark"
"It's Ellie!" Mary-Margaret exclaimed
Regina's eyes opened wide just now and she stood up immediately. She looked around the camp site and no sign of Ellie. Regina took Mary-Margaret by the shoulders.
"Where's Ellie?!"
"I don't know! I woke up right now and she was missing from her sleeping bag, David and hook went to look in the forest but no sign of her" Mary replied
Regina felt weak, she nearly fell to the ground until Emma and Rumple helped her stand up. First Henry and now Ellie? This was her worst nightmare.
"Pan" Hook said
Everyone turned to Hook, confused.
"What did you say?" Emma asked
"Pan!...Peter Pan!" He replied
Everyone was still confused, Regina asked,
"Who's Peter Pan?"
Hook gave her a dead look.
"A monster is what he is"
"So are you saying that this Pan dude took both Ellie and Henry?" Emma added
"Aye...who else would it be? He has ruled Neverland and only a monster like him would kidnap someone. No one just goes missing here in Neverland. If he has kidnapped someone, he wants something from them."
"What does Ellie and Henry have that he could want?" David  asked
"That's what we're going to find out" Hook said

Ellie followed Peter. She felt as if she couldn't trust him, well...why should she? He kidnapped Henry. To make things less awkward, Ellie was asking questions.
" long have you been living here?"
"For a long time" Peter replied annoyed
"Why did you choose green for your outfit?"
"I thought it looked better on me"
"Do you have a fake British accent?"
"No!'s real"
"Why do you do that thing with your eyebrows?"
"That's it! No more questions, no more talking, no more sound until we arrive to camp, got it?"
"Well, someone is a bit cranky"
Peter gave her a glare and rolled his eyes. They walked for a few more minutes before they reached camp.
"Boys! Boys! Gather around!" Peter said
From left to right, young boys appeared and circled around. A tall, blonde boy with a cloak on appeared next to Peter.
"Now, I would like to introduce you to our newest member and our very first lost girl, Ellie Mills!"
The boys howled and clapped. Their very first Lost Girl, not only is she now a lost girl but the Evil Queen's daughter is now apart of their crew. Oh how Ellie hated being known as that. She hated being in her mom's shadow but for some reason, she already felt like she had a place here with Peter and the lost boys. She was being praised.
"Come on Ellie, I'll show you where you'll be staying at" Peter said taking her hand.
"W-wait! What about Henry?"
"You're going to see him after, I promise. Now, come on"
Something was telling Ellie that something is wrong, that she should just run and find Henry. Peter led her to a cage, it was right next to his tent.
"A cage?" She asked
"Well, it's all we have for you to stay in for right now. We'll get you your own tent but until then, here's your new room"
Ellie furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at Peter.
"Umm, do I even get a pillow? A blanket? Anything?"
"Oh yes, I'll have Felix give that to you later on tonight"
"If you say so"
"Come, we're going to set up a campfire"
Ellie followed behind. Where was Henry? Why is he being so nice to her? This could all be a trap.

"We have searched for two hours! No sign of Ellie or Henry, I thought you knew where Peter Pan was" Regina told Hook
"It should have been here, he must've moved it"
"He's right, this is where his campsite should've been, he knew we were coming." Said Rumple
Regina sat down on a nearby stump and put her face in her hands.
"I just...I just want my children back" she said
Emma and Mary-Margaret sat next to Regina and comforted her.
"Regina, we're doing everything we can to get your children back. With this Pan guy, he knows we're here and he is a step ahead of us...we just have to be two steps ahead. Come on, we have defeated many other monsters and creatures before. What makes you think we can't do it again?" Said Mary-Margaret.
"I guess you're right",said Regina "Now...let's go find them"
"Hey Regina, I found something!" Shouted David
Everyone ran over and saw the object David was holding in his hand.
"That's Ellie's bracelet! But do you think she dropped this on purpose?" Said Regina
"Most likely, come on let's go" said Emma

All the boys were dancing and playing their little instruments around the campfire once Ellie and Peter arrived.
"Oh! I almost forgot. Felix, please bring Henry out" Peter said
The blonde boy in the cloak brought Henry out and Ellie instantly ran to him and hugged him, almost falling in the process.
"Henry! Oh my gosh! You're okay! You're alive!" Ellie hugged him harder
"It's actually you! But wait, what are you doing here? Did he kidnap you?"
"No not exactly..well we made a deal"
Henry looked at her in confusion.
"What kind of deal?"
"That if I help him with something, I can see you and now, I'm officially a lost girl."
"What? Why would you do that? You're now something that belongs to him!"
"Henry, sh! He can hear you. Besides, I did this for you"
Peter walked up behind Ellie and said
"Come on let's go sit by the fire"
Ellie sat down on a log and Peter sat next to her. He pulled out a flute and started playing music.
"So Peter, I have a question"
"Yes?" he continued playing
"So once Henry and I are done helping you with whatever it is you need help with, do we go home?"
Petter laughed.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Oh love, you don't"
Ellie stood up
Peter slowly got up and stepped closer to Ellie.
"No one leaves Neverland, you're my lost girl now and you have to go by my rules. You are never leaving're mine now princess"

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