Lost Girl

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It seemed like hours they have been walking around the humid forest. The trees rustled but there were no sign of wind, this caused Ellie to move faster.
"Okay pirate, we have been walking around for ages, are you sure you know where we're going?" Regina said, now annoyed.
"It's been quite awhile since I have last been here so my mind is a little rusty"
"A little?" Regina replied.
"Mom, don't" Ellie said holding her mom's wrist
Everyone at this point were getting tired so they decided to set up camp.
"You know...if we split off into teams, we might have a better chance with finding Henry." David told the group.
"Not a bad idea" Mary Margaret replied.
"There might be a chance of us getting lost here" Hook replied setting down wood for the fire.
"It wouldn't hurt to try, I mean I'll try anything to find Henry." Said Ellie
"Well, let's start tomorrow morning and get some sleep" Rumple said setting his bed on the ground.
Everyone did the same as Rumple and set up their tents and sleeping bags.
Ellie went through her bag to get her sweater out of her backpack, surprisingly it was cold at night, and out fell the note from Henry.
"Don't worry squirt, we'll find you" She whispered.
"We will" Regina said putting her hand on Ellie's shoulder.
"Oh! Mom! Hey..."
"I get it...you miss him. No more worrying tonight Els, okay? We'll start looking first thing tomorrow. Now get some rest."
"Okay...goodnight mom" Ellie said giving her a hug
"Goodnight sweetheart"
Ellie put the note back and climbed into her sleeping bag. She stared up at the sky until she fell asleep.

She turned around and there he was again. The handsome mysterious prince.
"You came back for me! But you can't be here" Ellie said running towards him.
He climbed into her bedroom and embraced Ellie.
"Nothing stops me from getting to you my love" he said caressing her cheek.
Ellie put her hand on his and smiled.
"Maybe my mom" her smile faded and she walked to the middle of her room.
He followed right behind her.
"Not even your mother, she may be the evil queen but she will never keep me from you" he said turning Ellie around
"She would kill us just seeing us talking to each other, what makes you think she's going to let me marry you? She's going to be furious if she found out we ran away together and eloped."
"Ellie...I want you to know that I would do anything for you. I would die for you. No matter the consequences, I will fight for you. I have searched far and wide for my soulmate and now that I have found her...I can't leave her. You're the one I want to marry, you're the one I want to start a family with, you're it for me." He picked up Ellie's head by her chin and gave her a passionate kiss.
"I love you.."Ellie said
Then Ellie heard crying, kids crying actually. She looked at the prince and he looked up at her confused as well.
"Do you hear that?" Ellie said scanning her room.
"Yes, but where is it coming from?" He said scanning her room as well.
The crying started to multiply, which awoke Ellie. Ellie sat up and looked around her. Everyone was asleep, so where is the crying coming from?
"Mom, get up" She said to Regina.
Ellie decided to leave her mom to sleep. She took a knife out of her bag and walked into the forest. Ellie tried following the sound.
"You hear that too?"
Startled, Ellie turned with her knife pointed. Right before her was a boy, he looked like a teen, he was wearing a green moss looking outfit, he had short wavy, curly brown hair, he was tall but not too much, he also had a British accent.
"You're Ellie right? I wonder why they can't hear the crying" He said
Ellie furrowed her eyebrows.
"Who are you?" She asked
"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter...Peter Pan"
Ellie instantly pushed him against the tree with the knife to his throat.
"Where's Henry?" She asked
"You've got fire, I like fire"
"Where's my little brother?!"
"Henry is still alive if that's what
you're worried about" Peter replied
"Why the hell did you take him?"
"He's a very special boy Ellie"
"I know, that doesn't answer my question, what do you want with him?"
I came up here to see who I was up against, the Evil Queen's daughter, gotta say I'm not disappointed"
Ellie rolled her eyes.
"What are you going to say now? How I'm never going to see Henry again?"
"I'm going to help you find him" Peter replied.
Ellie took the knife away from his throat and backed away.
"If this is some type of trap-"
"I may not be a well behaved boy on the island but I always keep my promises"
Ellie looked at Peter, clenching her knife.
"What do you want from me?"
Peter stepped closer and said
"Ellie, you're also pretty special as the Evil Queen's daughter, you are. Being forced into evil and going with your mother's order just so she doesn't disappoint her own mother. She wanted you evil because you were the child of a stable boy was it?"
Ellie started growing anger
"What are you talking about? How do you know all of this?"
"So you became evil not only to help your mother but to impress your grandmother who despised you. Now all of a sudden, you had a change of heart."
"I don't understand-"
"Both you and your brother are special and your unique ways will help me." Ellie backed up.
"What do me and my brother have that will help you?"
"If you come with me...you'll find out"
"I don't have time for your little games and if this is trap so help me I will kill you!"
"What did I just say? I keep my promises. Come with me and you'll be with your brother."
Ellie crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
"I cross my heart and hope to die" Peter said crossing his heart.
"If you don't lead me to Henry-!"
"Yeah yeah, you'll kill me. Come with me and you'll see your brother, isn't that what you want?"
Ellie looked down and back at Peter.
"Okay, fine. If it gets me to Henry" she said giving in.
"Thatta girl. Well then...welcome to the crew Lost Girl"

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