Mystery Girl

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 AN: For the first 5 parts of this fanfic I focused more on the canon aspect of the show. Now, I'm kind of doing my own thing. Hope you enjoy it!

 Hominiede stood in the back amongst the group of adventurers that she had learned to call her friends. Amalia and Percedal were arguing over something she wasn't knowledgeable of, with Rubilax chipping in a few insults here and there on Amalia's behalf. Evangeline argued on Amalia's side as well, while Ruel took Percedal's side.

 Hominiede didn't pay any mind to the cause or result of whatever they were bickering and carrying on about. She had her own matters to deal with. She had been traveling for months alongside her comrades with not even a single clue as to the whereabouts of her father. She had asked the shushu many times where he might think her father was but every single attempt to receive answers was a no-go. Something about today, however seemed to feel like a game-changer for her. Something was bound to happen today, she knew of it.

  It wasn't long after she thought this that a cloaked figure emerged from the nearest tree in the lush forest they were traversing through. The face of the figure she couldn't see and the only one paying attention  to the person was Yugo, who stood ready in case a fight were to brew.

 "You. All of you. The girl in the back, please." The figure spoke. After taking off the hood of the midnight blue cloak, Hominiede and Yugo could see that the figure was a woman.

  "And just what do you want her for?" Yugo asked.

 "Unfortunately for you, young one, I can't exactly tell you that. It's a personal matter between your friend and me." The woman answered, twirling her bright red hair. She was a Iop. "Now look, kid, it wasn't a fight I came here for, but if need be, it's a fight you'll get." Saying so, she presented her sword, which was possessed with a shushu much like Dally's sword. The sword was longer and looked heavier and harder to handle than Rubilax, though.

 "So," Rubilax finally started to speak. "You finally came from the bottom of the ladder, huh, Pompiene?"

 Pompiene retorted, "If I was at the bottom then you really must have been six feet under."

  "Will you quit with the childishness?" Evangeline rolled her eyes. "You're setting a bad example for the Iops here."

 Everyone stared, seemingly shocked by her sudden ridiculing.

 It took Hominiede a minute to realize that everyone had stopped their quarreling and was finally paying attention to the Iop girl.

 "Look, babe, are ya gonna give me the girl or am I gonna have to pry her from ya? Cause we can easily tussle this out. Duo to duo!"

 "Wouldn't that be mono a mono?" Amalia questioned.

 "Nope." The woman answered.

 Everyone watched and was amazed when her sword came to life. It took on the form of a black-haired girl that faintly resembled Hominiede. The only differences that were truly apparent besides the outfit were her glowing amber eyes and the lack of freckles.

 "She's a half-breed. Shushu and changeling." The Iop woman quickly explained.

  "Are we clear to fight, master Elahra?" Pompiene asked.

 "Not yet. Only if they refuse to give us that girl." Elahra pointed to Hominiede specifically.

 "What do you need me for?" Hominiede inquired intently.

 "Again, that's a matter to be discussed between the two of us privately. If you want to take your chances and save the drama of fighting for later. You're choice, hon."

 "We're not going to give you our friend unless you-" Yugo started.

 "Look, Yugo, you don't have to worry about me so much. I can take care of myself, and it's my job to see what she wants. So, if i come back running over here with my crossbow at the ready, you know what happened." She shifted her focus to the Iop woman. "Elahra was it?"

 "Indeed it was." She answered with a smile.

 "I'll go with you. But I'm warning you this better not be a trap!"

"What do you think I am, a shushu?" She turned to face her partner. "No offense, Pompiene."

 "None taken."

 "But," She continued. "Let's quit stalling and get to the point of this little meeting. If you would be so kind as to follow me and Pompiene."

 Hominiede nodded and looked back at her friends one more time before following closely behind the mysterious stranger, unknowing of the things they were to discuss during their private meeting. The main thing she was worried about was why her friends couldn't be involved in their conversation. All these things were clearly to be explained later as Hominiede stared intently at the Iop woman and the shushu walking beside her. The shushu that looked just like Hominiede from the back as of now. Something about that really bothered her. She just didn't know what exactly...

AN: Sorry for the super short update, and yes, i know, it probably sucks. But, if it doesn't, be prepared for the next chapter where the conversation will be revealed! Be sure to keep an Eye out for it! Tchao, babies! XD


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