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cutie: hey beautiful

beautiful: wasabi

cutie: tell me about yourself babe ;')

beautiful: ... what do you want to know?

cutie: tell me about what makes you happy

beautiful: oh well um... when i'm in a bad mood, dancing makes me feel better. so i dance a lot. makes me feel good.


beautiful: wait who are you?? why are you on jimin's snapchat?

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beautiful: wait who are you?? why are you on jimin's snapchat?

cutie: i'm his bff jungkook. nice to meet you ;")

beautiful: oh he told me about you. um where's jimin?

cutie: you just met me and you are already bored of me? )':

beautiful: no no! that's not it. i just idk what to say to you... i'm not good at social interactions sorry

cutie: you're so cute
cutie: i see why jimin's completely enthralled by you

beautiful: um thanks i guess?

cutie: here add me on snap jimin's almost back. i want to get to know you more c;
cutie: it's jungshook

beautiful: oh um ok...

1 new friend! jungshook added you on snapchat! add back?
yes | no

cutie: i'll snapchat you ;') brb

beautiful: oh okay...

cutie: artemis it's me jimin. i'm sorry jungkook bothered you. what did he say?

beautiful: it's okay. nothing much. he just added me on snapchat.

cutie: ...did you add him back?

beautiful: yeah

cutie: but i wanted you to myself|
cutie: oh thats cool!

jungshook sent you a snap!

beautiful: wait one second he just snapchatted me

cutie: :(|
cutie: okay!


jungshook: heyo

lolnah: hey

jungshook: what's your name? jimin wouldn't tell us and he put your name as beautiful so i didn't know

lolnah: he did that?

jungshook: ya

lolnah: oh well my name is artemis

jungshook: cool beans ! as you already know i'm jungkook and i think you're cute ;')

lolnah: but i didn't send a snap?

jungshook: jimin has pictures of you in his photo album

lolnah: oh lol thanks

jungshook: so about this dancing~ what's your favorite genre??

lolnah: hip hop

jungshook: really?? omg i love dancing to hip hop/popish idk how to describe it. i like dancing to rap too.

lolnah: oh really? i like that mix too. are you any good??

jungshook: are you?

lolnah: oh idk probably not

jungshook: oh idk probably not then

lolnah: lol what do you mean?

jungshook: when you gain confidence in your dancing then i will in mine

lolnah opened your snap

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