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A lot of you guys might say this is like psychotic, but I assure you its not. I have a whole separate plot line and I've had this idea wayyyy before psychotic came out. Please take the time to read, comment, and vote!




I walked down the bland corridors of the Ashwood insane asylum. I tried to breath through my mouth as the scent of mold and feet filled my nostrils.

I listened to light dripping sound coming from down the hall. A sink left dripping, I suppose.

I watched my feet, the white of my shoes made even brighter by the dank, gray cement that made up the floor of the asylum.

I walked down to the end of one of the halls and to the room of Riley Smith. I had her meal on one of the cold, metal cafeteria trays. The meal for today consisted of a small patty of sausage, some undercooked (and rather smelly) broccoli and some extremely lumpy mashed potatoes. All the patients were allowed to drink was water, juice and milk. Riley had chosen the watered down fruit juice.

I reached the door to her room-well they were called rooms but they were more like cells- and entered the passcode to unlock the sliding cell door. Ashwood had the most technologically advanced systems for that had come out just this year, 1952.

I gripped one of the white bars firmly and yanked it to the side so it would open.

"Good afternoon, Riley." I set her food down on the desk that was coated in chipping white paint and turned around, smiling at her.

"Afternoon, Hadley." Her British accent more prominent than most.

She attempted to smile, but her cracked lips made it seemingly impossible. I gave her a small wave before exiting the cell and closing and locking the door.

I walked down a few corridors, taking a left and then a right and another right before something stopped me dead in my tracks.

It was a scream.

Yes we hear screams everyday from all the patient's, but this one was different. It was so shrill that it sounded as though the Patient was at deaths door.

I walked down the corridor the scream had come from, the smell of the asylum becoming so overwhelming that I had to hold my nose.

I followed the screams until I reached the door they were coming from. Cell 745: Luke Abbot. I grabbed the cool white metal of a bar on the cell door and peeked my head inside.

What I saw broke my heart.

Luke sat on the ground, tears streaming down his face onto his dull gray jumpsuit. He was had his head resting on his knees and he was pulling at his ears and dirty blond hair.

"Luke?" I called into the cell, my voice smaller than I had expected it to be.

He looked up at me. His piercing blue eyes bore into my green ones. He looked me straight in the eyes as he let out another blood curdling screm.

"Do you want me to get Doctor Lisa?" She was the head nurse and surgeon and I spent quite a lot of time in her office.

She wasn't the psychiatric doctor but I assumed she could assess the situation and see if he needed to see the psych.

He nodded his head ever so slighty and let out another ear shattering scream.

I jogged down the bleak hallway and towards the front of the building. It took quite a bit of time to get there-about 10 minutes-because Lukes cell was tucked away towards the back of Ward A.

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