Chapter 15:

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I was hellbent on the idea of getting him out. My mind twisted around the idea, squeezing it until it popped and reformed.

Wind whipped around my face sending strands of hair flying and increasing the feeling of extremity. I heard the noise of life around me but it seemed faded, like I was imagining it.

I didn't know how I was going to get Harry out yet but it will happen.


The schizophrenia came in waves of voices pounding against my brain ready to be set free from the hellish mind that imprisoned them. Ash wood was slowly driving me crazy and I couldn't bear another second of the taunting voices that kept me up.

I was playing a dangerous game of trying to surpress the voices and trying to convince Hadley that I was sane.

Tic-toc run around the clock
The girl will be dead before 10'o clock
All hope is lost the world must end
Before they let you out on the streets again.

Help m- shut up! I placed my hands on my heads and screamed.

They continued on and on and on. An endless river of unsolvable riddles, and I was trapped in the middle of it all. I was drifting through the rapids, my head yearning for the torture to stop and let me free but it droned on and on.

"Shut up!" I finally screamed anger taking over my whole body. I couldn't handle it anymore.The voices, the screaming, the asylum.

I was playing Russian roulette and I was the gun. I was losing my mind and this place was stealing it from me.

"Harry?" I peered up to see Tuesday.

"Not. Right. Now." I spat angrily.

"Harry, I'm here to take you to electroshock therapy. It's the only thing that will help with the voices."

She slowly unlocked the door and pulled it only, taking her time crossing to me and grabbing my wrist. I fought the entire way to small room but protesting wouldn't do anything. I was already in hell. What difference would it make if I went to another level.

Tuesday left, a wicked smile plastered to her barbie-like face and I knew I was in for it. She had laced my drinks with drugs. Drugs that make you lose it. It was the only explanation. She worked in the common room and had access to the food almost all the time.

And she brought me food when Hadley was out.

That was it. It was Tuesday.

I was about to get my brain melted all because of that bitch.

"Sit down." I jumped at the voice and turned around to see a cold face staring back at me. I had never seen this man before, or at least I don't think I had.

"My name is Doctor Ryan. I am the general surgeon of this facility and it looks like I get the joy of zapping the mass murderers brain.

He pushed me down onto a table. He looked young with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was built well and was pretty muscular which is why he was able to push me so easily. 

He hustled about the room grabbing tools and having nurses hold me down. I looked into one of the nurses and they were so full of sympathy but also hatred which is why he was helping. He thought I was a psycho.

I felt cold liquid being pressed against my temple and some cotton type things being pressed into the same spot.

"This might hurt a bit." Said Doctor Ryan.

The last I saw was his face, twisted into an evil grin, before I felt the extreme pain and everything went black.


My head was throbbing as I laid in bed with Hadley sitting next to me. She was rubbing a cool cloth on my forehead and massaging my shoulder at the same time.

"Tic-toc run around the clock

the girl will be dead before 10' o clock

All hope is lost the world will end

Before they let me out on the streets again." I mumbled, my mind beginning to stir again.

"What?" Hadley asked, a sense of alarm written on her face.



BEFORE THEY LET ME OUT ON THE STREETS AGAIN!" I screamed, pulling at the ends of my hair.

I pulled my knees to chest as my breathing became uneven. I was losing it. This place was making me lose it.

I yanked my hair and shouted the rhyme. Haldey's voice sounded distant as she tried to soothe me. It sounded like she was on the shore calling to me as I was trapped at sea. I could hear her attempting to coax me back to reality but her attempts failed as she only managed to make me scream louder. I knew who the girl was. It was her. She would be dead and for the first time since I had met Hadley, I didn't care what happened to her. This place had turned me into an uncaring monster.

"Harry shh. It's just a little voice. You can kick it out and make it go away. Just tell it to go away. Scream at it. Harry?" She couldn't reach me.

"Harry please. Stop this. It's scaring me. I don't want you to have to go back to electroshock. Do you wanna go back? Harry? HARRY!" She still couldn't get to me.

I laid down and began reciting the poem again. I said it over and over and Hadley couldn't get me out of the spell. After a while she gave up and went to get my lunch.

"Harry. Eat." I hadn't eaten since the day of electroshock. That was three days ago and I was starving.

"Harry please." She leaned into my lips and kissed me. It was so warm and familiar. The ease of her lips against mine and the warmth of them. I could feel her smile against mine and it finally pulled me out. Hadley was my cure and I had been ignoring that.

"Oh thank-" I cut her off and kissed her again. It was long and slow and it made the ache in my head feel the slightest bit better. It was amazing. Her lips were the cure I had been longing for and her love was the only medicine I needed. She had promised to get me out of this hell on earth and I believed that she would. I was confident that she would get us both out alive.

But most of all, I was confident that I was in love with her.

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