Chapter 5:

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Fear coursed through my veins as thoughts of another killer roaming the streets of London filled my mind. I frantically grabbed for the remote and turned the volume up. The people on the television were talking about what had happened.

"Three victims have been found much in the same fashion as serial killer Harry Styles." The reporter announced.

"Yes but, Susan, that means either someone is mimicking the crimes of Mr. Styles or maybe he's innocent?" The other reporter said. Shocked gasps were audible from everyone in the news room.

"How dare you question the judges verdict!" The voice was very audible from the television and I think it came from Susan.

The show immediately went to some advertisement for some random soap brand.

I pressed down on the power button, my nail digging into the read circle and leaving an indention as I pulled it away. My hands were shaking and I my eyes were filling with tears, but the words the reporter said repeated themselves in my mind.

It all made sense, I mean, if there was another murderer killing in the same fashion Harry was accused of, then maybe he had been the killer all along. But on the other hand, Harry had been convicted, the best judge in London had made the verdict and there was evidence. It all came down to one thing, I had to get to know him more. But that didn't change the fact that there was cold-blooded killer on the loose.

I tried to shake the thoughts of the murderer as I took a warm shower, letting the water fall over my body. I tried to shake the thoughts as I made a small bowl of macaroni and sat at my small wooden table too eat. I tried to shake the thoughts as I pulled back the duvet and crawled into my warm bed. I pulled the thick duvet up to my chin and tried to let sleep take over my mind, but the only thing I could think about was the murderer and who their next victim would be.

I drifted off at about three in the morning and woke up at about two hours later. Since I had taken a shower the night before, I didn't need to take one this morning so I climbed out of bed and walked into the small bathroom that was attached to my room to apply my makeup and fix my hair.

I turned the cold water on and splashed some on my face. I pulled the small hand towel off of the silver ring and dried my face. I looked up into the mirror and gasped.

I had dark circles under my eyes and my eyelids were droopy. My shoulders were slumped and I looked altogether awful.

I grasped the small silver knob on the white drawer of my vanity and yanked it open. I grabbed the small black bag that contained my makeup and set it on the counter, unzipping it. I pulled out the small tube of concealer and untwisted the cap, bringing the long tan-colored wand up to under my eyes. I swiped a small amount along the darkest parts of the circles that inhabited my face and gently blended it until the circles were barely visible. Next I grabbed my eye shadow. I decided to wear a light brown color today. I dug a little through my small bag and found the brush that I generally used to apply eye shadow. I spread a little on the brush and brought it up to my eyes. I closed them and brushed the eye shadow across both eyelids. I placed the brush back in the bag and grabbed the small black tube of mascara. I twisted it open and pulled out the wand, swiping it against the edge to remove and excess, and brought it up to my eyes. I put it on my eyelashes and placed the wand back in the tube and then back into my bag.

I pulled my hair up and twisted it into my usual bun and walked out of the bathroom, and to my closet. I pulled open the door and grabbed my white nurse dress off of the hanger and changed out of my pajamas and into the dress. I went to my dresser and grabbed a pair of white tights and pulled them on under my dress. I walked through the living room and into the small kitchen. I grabbed the bread and untwisted the wrapper, pulling out a piece and sliding it into the toaster. I pushed the small handle down and walked to the fridge, pulling open the door and grabbed the butter and strawberry jelly.

I walked over to the counter and placed the items I had retrieved from the fridge on it. The toast popped up and I pulled it out, placing it on a small plate and grabbing a butter knife. I smeared the stick of butter on the toast and pulled the lid off the jelly. I got some on the knife and spread it across the toast. I placed the knife in the sink a grabbed my plate, walking to the living room and sitting on my couch, I grabbed the remote and turned on the television. Luckily the news wasn't on but instead my favorite show I Love Lucy. I settled into the couch and watched the show as I ate my toast.

I watched a few episodes and before I knew it, it was six thirty, time for me to head to work.

I walked the few steps to my front door and pulled on my semi wet shoes and coat.

I unlocked the front door and stepped outside, closing and locking it as I began to descend the steps. I began the walk to Ashwood, my sleep deprived body trudging through the thick December snow, the sidewalk barely visible.

"Hadley!" I heard a voice calling after me. That's when I remembered the murderer on the loose.

"Hadley, wait up!" I slowed my pace and glanced over my shoulder. To my surprise, the mystery person was John, one of the guards that worked at the asylum. I stopped walking and waited for him to catch up. He had wavy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He had a sweet grin and lovely pink lips. He had large muscles and was quite tall-but not Harry tall. His cheeks were pink from the cold and  it made his skin seem paler and his eyes brighter.

"Hey John!" I said as he finally reached me.

"I was just walking this way and I saw you come out of your apartment, so I thought I would try to catch up to you!" His adorable smile lit up his features. He looked to be about twenty three.

"Oh that's nice! I've never seen you walk this way before, so I was worried when you called my name," I explained why I had sped up as he called my name.

We continued to make small talk and it we arrived at Ashwood all too soon. We walked up the front steps of the horror filled building and as we entered, we said our goodbyes and went down separate hallways.

I began to walk up the narrow steps until I arrived at Ward A. I made my way down the corridors slowly, trying to decide whether or not to tell him of the mysterious new murderer. I pondered the decision and finally, as I arrived at his door, decided to tell him, I mean, he deserved to know.

I unlocked the door and walked over to the unoccupied bed. I sat on it, Harry sitting at the desk with his back to me.

"Harry, we need to talk," I stated. He turned towards me and stood, walking over to the bed and sitting next to me.

"Yes Hadley?" His tone was clipped, and he seemed tense.

" probably don't know this, but there's a new serial killer in London and he's mimicking your crimes." He turned to me, his mouth half open, fear in his eyes and his voice shaky as he spoke.



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