Chapter 7:

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I woke up at around six am, while it was still dark out, wrapped in Harry's warm arms. I struggled free from his tight grasp and stretched. I looked down and noticed that I was only wearing a plain white T-shirt and my underwear, and when I glanced over at Harry, he was shirtless. As soon as I saw his tan body I remembered the events of last night, my cheeks heating up as they filled my head.

I walked around the room in search of my clothes until I remembered they were in the tiny closet of the room. I pulled open the door and saw them lying in a pile. I bent down and grabbed them, walking to the corner of the room Harry and I had kissed yesterday, and turned so I was facing the wall.

I pulled the thin shirt over my head and tossed it over my shoulder in the direction of the bed, grabbing my bra and putting it on. Just as I was about to grab my dress I felt two strong arms snake around my small waist and he pulled me into him.

"Morning gorgeous," His husky morning voice held sincerity.

"Morning handsome," I said back, completely honest. He spun me around and pecked me once on the lips before pulling away and walking inside the closet.

I remembered what I had said about only revoking the rule for a night but I was starting to rethink the decision.

No, get to know him tonight when you stay in. Have him tell you his story first. I decided to follow my advice and get to know him that is if I got to stay for the overnight shift.

I watched as he shed the thin cotton pants, clad only in black boxers. I couldn't help but stare, my dress in my hands. He turned as he was about to pull on the jumpsuit and saw me staring. He smirked as he walked towards me and stopped right in front of me, his body so close that I could feel the heat radiating off of him, and reached his hand past me grabbing the cigarettes and lighter off of the desk.

He moved to where he was standing next to me and pulled a cigarette out of the small carton and set it back on the desk. He brought the lighter up to the cigarette that was dangling from the corner of his mouth and cupped his hand over the end of the cigarette. He flicked the lighter on and an orange glow danced across his tan face, the cigarette in between his perfect teeth showed off his hell of a jawline, and disappeared as soon as it had appeared. He uncupped his hand and brought it down to his side, the other placing the lighter on the desk.

"Kiss me," I demanded.

He pulled the cigarette away from his lips," Remember, one night only?" Smoke puffed in small rings from his lips with every word.

"I think I can revoke it for one more day," I said, a smirk creeping onto my face.

He puffed on the cigarette, nearly finishing it, and putting it out in the small ceramic bowl that was set in the middle of the desk. He blew smoke out and leaned in to kiss me.

He placed his hand on the small of my back and pushed me up so my lips were smashed against his. He tasted of cigarettes and mint, and smelt of cinnamon.

As he continued to kiss me he pushed me towards the bed and I sat down. He moved his lips down to my neck and began to lightly kiss it. I tilted my head to the side and closed my eyes as he continued.


I walked down the corridors, exploring because I had just recently been employed here. As I walked down the hall I looked into all the rooms checking on the patients. I mean they could never be too safe, right?

As I glanced into the door of room 367 I saw Harry Styles-the patient-in his boxers kissing a woman who was only in her underwear and bra.

I watched through the bars as they continued to kiss, her perched on the edge of the bed, him standing above her, his lips pressed to her neck and her head rolled to the side.

I watched as her head rolled towards me, her eyes closed and her lips parted slightly. She looked like a nurse and as I looked around the cell I noticed a white nurses dress lying on the floor, forgotten, which confirmed my guess. I saw him pull away and her eyes flutter open and I hurried down the hallway hopefully undetected.

But as I turned the corner I remembered her green eyes and pink lips. I was new here, but I knew enough to know that she was Hadley, the head floor nurse, and my boss.

I knew I should tell Ms. Lewis, but I didn't want to jeopardize my job, so I decided to keep least for now.


I pulled my lips away from Hadley's neck and grabbed her hand, pulling her up to her feet. She walked over to where her dress was lying on the floor and I couldn't help but stare at her bum as she walked. She bent over to pick up her dress and I had to look away to keep myself from walking over and taking her on the desk.

I looked again and saw her pulling the tight dress up her legs and over her body. She pulled the zipper up over her stomach and stopped just below her breats.

"Harry, can you zip this for me?" She asked, a smirk playing on her full lips. I nodded and shuffled over to where she was standing. I took a shaky breath and reached down for the small zipper, placing the other hand on her shoulder. I zipped it over her breasts and left it open just enough to where her cleavage was visible.

I walked towards the closet and grabbed a jumpsuit from the shelf and pulled it on, zipping it up but leaving it open just enough to where my tan chest was visible.

I turned and walked to the bed, sitting on the edge and watching Hadley pull the thin tights over her tan legs, and then putting on her white shoes.

Just as she finished dressing, a nurse I had never seen before said to tell Hadley that Ms. Lewis needed to speak to her.

As the nurse walked off, I told Hadley and she sighed,"Shit." She said as she pulled open the door and shut it on her way out. I watched her walk away until she was no longer visible.

I laid on my bed until she returned about five minutes later, a huge grin spread across her face.

"Ms. Lewis has appointed me your night time nurse. I'm going to stay here during the day every other day and come in at ten every night!" She told me and a smile spread across my face.

I just whispered yes to myself and watched as she walked out of my cell to go home. I couldn't wait to see her tonight!

Sorry that its kind of a filler chapter but the next chapter will be soooo much better and reveal alot! Comment, vote, and follow us!

Cali xx

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