Chapter 21- Like Riley said, She isn't waking up anytime in the future

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HEY!! This book is moving along. Its only got about 4 or so more chapters!! I'm shocked. I know its not the most popular, but I'm happy that people are even reading it!!! Maybe once its completed more people will read it.. Well Enough about that.. Time for the chapter!!!!


Chapter 21- Like Riley said, She isn't waking up anytime in the future

Previously on Mated to My Nightmare

A sharp pain erupted in my stomach. And I fell. A scream. Like the screams you hear in horror movies, erupted from my mouth. Before my mother and father faded away. "Aria?" I heard Logan asked. Am I going to wake up? Excitement built inside me, but no other sounds came. And I knew I wasn't waking up...

Then, I heard voices, sweet voices that sounded like the wind. Voices I haven't heard before, with words I never expected.

"Aria Jones. You have been brought before, The Spirits, It is time, you know of your part in destiny...."

Now  Mated to My Nightmare Continues

"What do you mean, my part in destiny?" I asked, as images swirled around me. Two boy's started from young and slowly they became teens. Both boys had matching black hair. One with blue eyes and the other with green. They laughed, I saw images of them as what seemed to be around 5, and a birthday cake.

I saw a movie of them growing up, unitl two boys around my age, were laughing and hitting each other.

"Who are they?" I asked. Voices erupted from all around me.

"Don't you recognize your children? They will be born for great things." They whispered. Great things. What? 

"What great things?" I asked. But nothing answered. Then every thing came at me at once. And what seemed like memories played before me.

"A destiny was made for two twins, Alpha brothers to be born. A destiny to the pack, that they are be sworn. They will be close, and nothing is to come between The ones who look the same, but eyes of Ice and eyes of Green. Alphas made to rule the pack together, with a mate of one. Half human half wolf, your son. To share, a pack, a power, and a Mate" They said. One mate?

"Two wolves cant have one mate." I said slowly. I'm not even a werewolf, and I know this. I am wondering whats going on, I was finding myself more and more confused.

"Yours will. Half their blood a wolf, Half their blood a human. Two halves make one whole. That one whole, has one mate." The voices gathered. And it made since. Only one mate per Wolf essence, If my children shared the same wolf essence, then one mate would be the logical result.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked. I mean surely I was supposed to do?

"Sacrifice." Was the only answer I got.

"Sacrifice. Sacrifice what?" I asked. My life? There was no question, I would sacrifice myself for my children. However, that doesn't mean I want to let them go.

"Your freedom. You must give birth. And let them go. Let them mate, and Let them Lead." They whispered. Give birth and let them go? Did that mean my body would give birth but I would be dead? I wondered.

"What do you mean?" I asked again.

"Sacrifice" And with that. I was slammed out of the connection. And I heard voices. Ones I couldn't recognize. Where the hell was I now? Did I die now? After all these cryptic meetings? I mean I didn't even tell Logan bye. A sob built up in my chest. For the pack, I would never lead.  For the mate, I wouldn't see again. And for the children I would never meet.

Riley's POV

"Riley, we have to tell the Alpha. He has to know..." Aliee told me. I nodded as we both stared at Aria's still body, with tears fresh in our eyes.

"Dose he? I mean he will find out sooner or later..." I trailed off, as Ailee's eyes snapped to mine.

"Would you want to know, if this was happening to Jimbo?" She asked, and I didn't need to respond we both knew what my answer would be, of course I would want to know.

"He may kill us you know? I mean, he isn't going to be thinking rationally." My words came out so quiet, that if she wasn't werewolf, she wouldn't have heard me.

"Its a risk we have to take." She stated, and she squeezed my shoulder.

"We might as well do it together." I whispered, and Aliee grabbed my hand, and we made our way to Logan's Office, both of us, unsure how he would take the news. However, we were sure, he wouldn't be to happy with us, at all.

*Logan's POV**

Aliee and Riley walked in with solemn face. And that, scared me more, then the multiple screams that had come from Aria's room. My heart fell to the ground, as they made sure to keep there distance. Fear was in Riley's eyes, and something I couldn't explain. It looked vaguely like relief.. But I was unsure why he was relived...

"Logan" Aliee whispered her voice soft, and I felt tear sting my eyes, and I blinked to keep them back.

"Yyyee.." My voice caught, I cleared my throat and tried again. "Yes?" I asked. Riley looked toward Aliee, and they nodded at each other.

"Is Aria okay?" I asked, and Riley looked to me, and the emotions that flew on his face, had my heard beating swiftly, and the blood roared in my ears. "Please tell me she is okay" I begged, standing from my seat.

"She's not going. She's not going to wake up..." He trailed off, unable to finish his sentence, I growled, as my wolf howled in pain. I looked to Aliee who looked like she had swallowed something bitter.

"Aliee, please, tell me it isn't true, tell me Aria and my babies,   tell me they are okay." I said, my voice catching as a lump, stopped my pleads.

"Its like Riley was trying to say, Logan. Aria, isn't going to wake up." My heart broke and as she continued, my heart felt like it was no longer there, no  longer beating.

"She isn't waking up tomorrow, or the next day, or the next month, or any day after that. There's no hope that she will be waking up later." Her voice caught in her throat, and she sounded like she was choking.

My wolf's howl drowned out all other sounds. And I realized, Its hard to stay strong when you look around and every part of your world is crumbling down, and you cant do anything to stop it

I know its not majorly long. Sorry about that

Or not..

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