Chapter 25- Meeting and Surprises

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Hey!! Happy Friday!! This chapter isn't the longest, but it is very important:D Dedication Goes to ACNichols first for the amazeing story On the Couch, and also for the much apprecaited love on this story :D I am dying of smiles

And Someone commented last chapter, and that made me smile so another Shout out goes to: Doaasamar, For being amazing, and giving me a comment

Chapter 25- Meeting and Surprises

Previously on Mated to My Nightmare

"Everyone Please take your seats." Larry's voice rang through the crowd. Carrie was sitting behind him, in a chair and smiling at us. Me and Logan took our seats among the Beta, Alpha's, Elder, and Third Commands, on the stage.

I pulled Logan's hand in mine, and rested it on my lap. Slightly rubbing it, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smile warmly down at our intertwined hands.

"Okay, Thank you! Time for the pack meeting to start. First thing's First"

Now on Mated to My Nightmare

"I have one announcement, and then Logan will take over the meeting. The first thing for discussion. Is that there have been some changes to the plans. We all know, Logan is the next in line for the pack. And the plan, was to pass the pack, next year. However, Due to some changes and a need to advance the Passing. Logan will be taking over the pack, in three days time." Larry was cut off, by gasps of shocks, and some cheers. With one glare from Larry, they all went silent.

"And our Elder is here, to accompany the meeting. Which is of the highest honor. To have our elder come, on such short notice. Which I thank her for greatly. However, we all know that the Challenge is in order, If someone so chooses."

"If anyone wants to challenge Logan, or my decision, please speak now." He asked, and I was shocked. Challenge Logan? I felt my hands clench around Logan's. No one is touching Logan! I mean, He could take them. Panic pulled in my stomach, at the thought of him fighting.

I looked up at Logan when he squeezed my hands. But before I could ask what. He placed a small calming kiss on my lips. I smiled. Okay, I'm calm now. Breathing, I turned back to the crowd with a glare. Almost daring someone to speak up.

Silence fallowed, Larry's comment. And I noticed that no-one wanted to challenge him. But I wouldn't want to either. I mean he is really strong. Larry seemed happy with the silence. And he smiled. Logan would be a great leader and I think most of the pack agreed.
"Okay, Then its time for Logan who has multiple announcements. Please greet him as you would your Alpha, as he will be soon." Larry said, motioning for Logan to come up. Unnecessary panic filled me. I don't want to let go of him. I knew it was just my hormones, But Logan seemed to understand, and instead pulled me with him. Tucking me under his arm, I relaxed into him.

"Thank you" I whispered, kissing his chest. He chuckled.

"Anything for you." He turned to his dad, shaking his hand. "Thanks Dad." Larry looked at Logan in pride. Before taking his seat next to Carrie, who gazed at him in affection. Logan pulled me to the podium, and began his speech.

"First I want to say, thanks. For accepting me as becoming your Alpha. It will be my greatest pride, and I will take my role seriously. And many of you already know. But my next announcement, Is to introduce me mate, Aria Jones. Who will become your Luna, and if I have heard correctly..." He trailed off.

"She has already told most of you, and set you in place." I blushed as the pack chuckled. "But she does take her role seriously. And will always be there for you. No wolf, left behind kind of thing." Many cheers went through and I smiled brightly at my pack, Logan placed a kiss on my head.

"Another announcement, is my greatest joy to share with you. And has had me the happiest man I could be these past month, even if Aria was down. This was the light in my dark, while I waited for her.  And that light is that my pups are on the way..." Logan pushed me in front of everyone, proudly showing off my baby bump. I blushed bright red, as most members cooed, at me, and Logan.

"We have two twin boys on the way. Which we will all love more than anything else in the world. We are still fighting over names. But we will figure them out, and know you all are probably as excited as we are, for more little kids running around". Logan said, smiling brightly. I kissed his cheek. He smiled down at me, turning back to the pack.

"Many of you know, that mating, for wolves is the same as marriage for humans. But humans still hold the idea heavy in their hearts. The few human mates in this room. Know the dream that goes on through every little girl. For the dream wedding. And of course the sexy, powerful dream groom." I looked at Logan in confusion, what is he babbling about? But the crowd chuckled and nodded with him.

"I love Aria, with my whole heart. I have never loved anything more. I also love my pups on the way. Aria is human, as most of you know. But being pregnant she has the attitude of a wolf." The crowd laughed softly. "And I love that attitude to. But I am getting off track, again." The pack laughed again. But I couldn't pay attention, as Logan turned to me, and got on one knee. Wait.

I covered my mouth with my hand. Is he? What is he doing? Wait... No, don't do that...

"Aria, I loved you the first time I ever saw you. And that love grew and grew, as I got to know you. You became the woman I dreamed of. Strong as a Wolf, Caring as a Luna, and loving as a wife. And so I ask you," He pulled out a black box.

"To make me the happiest wolf in the world. To be the moon I howl too, and be my wife." His hopeful smile, brought me up short, and the pack held its breath.... And so did I.

Okay, So this is shorter, but I promise, that I am not stopping this story, I just wanted this chapter to end in the perfect spot.... And you may not know what her answer is... Not all things have happy endings... Or do they?




Or Not (I dont judge)

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